There are many problems at UMass, Boston, and we at The Mass Media are certainly aware of that. But we don’t believe that just throwing money at problems will solve them, and that is why we are initially skeptical of the creation of an ombudsman position.
Creating a paid position to deal with some of the major problems, though, could help. As the position is discussed and debated we see a process forming and thought being applied.
But much more needs to be investigated and resolved before this is a workable proposition. The aspect of creating and then assessing the success of the position brings into play the problematic task of who will do the assessing, and what goals we be set. Some say that the Student Senate will do the measuring of success, but it is often pointed out that the senate is not actually representative of the student body, or that the senate members have political objectives of their own.
The process for selecting the ombudsperson, the funding, the accountability, and numerous other issues will have to be addressed before the proposal and the position are acceptable to all.
But the effort should be worth it.
There are systemic problems at UMB that need to be addressed, sooner rather than later, out-of-court rather than in court. And, while there may be a lot of blood, sweat, and tears in the short-term, in the end, we will all benefit.
The students may get problems resolved; alumni may not always loathe this place; and may one day actually donate funds; the faculty, staff, students and even the administration may suffer a little less stress.
In the end, if the thought given to the creation of an ombudsperson is careful and thorough, The Mass Media is in favor of the creation of an ombudsperson at UMass, Boston