Sunday 1
Harvest Ministries Church Service9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Science Center, Lipke Auditorium & 2nd floor, rooms 60-66. For more information, contact Johanna Perez at 508-660-2644.
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal7:00 p.m. Listen to interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials, examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. For more information, call 617-287-6900.
Monday 2
Labor Day. University Closed.Healey Library hours.
Tuesday 3
Classes begin.
Opening Week Activities:*Early registration deadline for off-campus, weekend, and on-line classes*Information Tables in Administration, upper level and 1st floor, McCormack 1st floor, and Wheatley 1st floor*Refreshments provided by Sodexho, Administration and McCormack buildings*Cider and lemonade, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Science building.*Beacon Fitness Center Open House, McCormack 1st floor*Musical performance by the Coalboilers, 1 – 3 p.m., Administration, upper level*Harbor Art Gallery exhibit Damn. the Torpedoes, 11a.m. – 6p.m., McCormack 1st floor*Graduate Student Orientation/Open House, noon – 7 p.m., Administration 2nd floor
Free Tuesday Harbor Cruises12 noon – 1:15 p.m. Take a tour of the harbor. Learn about the sites and sounds of the Boston Harbor Islands on board the M/V Hurricane while getting to know your fellow students and/or co-workers. Boat departs from Fox-Point dock. Call 617-287-5404 for more information.
Wednesday 4
Opening Week Activities:*Information Tables in Administration, upper level and 1st floor, McCormack 1st floor, and Wheatley 1st floor*Refreshments provided by Sodexho, Administration and McCormack*Cider and lemonade, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Science building.Beacon Fitness Center Open House, McCormack 1st floor*Harbor cruise, 11 a.m., Fox Point dock, tickets available in Student Life, 617-287-7950*WMIX Stunt Boy George, 10 a.m. – noon, McCormack and Wheatley Plaza*Arts on the Point tours, leave from McCormack 1st floor, Harbor Art Gallery, at noon and 2 p.m.*Harbor Art Gallery exhibit Damn. the Torpedoes, 11a.m. – 6p.m., McCormack 1st floor*Graduate Student Orientation/Open House, noon – 7 p.m., Administration 2nd floor
Musical Showcase on the Plaza performance by the Chester Brezniak Quintet2:30 – 4 p.m., Administration, outdoor plaza. For more information contact Chester Brezniak-Music Dept. at 617-287-6981.
Student Teaching Orientation sponsored by the Graduate College of Education2:30 – 4 p.m., Wheatley, 2nd floor, room 200. For more information, contact Ann Carbone at 617-287-7672.
Thursday 5
Opening Week Activities: *Information tables in McCormack and Wheatley, 1st floor*Beacon Fitness Center Open House, McCormack 1st floor’Harbor cruise, 2:30 p.m., Fox Point dock, tickets available in Student Life, 617-287-7950. *Arts on the Point tours, leave from McCormack 1st floor, Harbor Art Gallery, at noonand 2 p.m.*WUMB radio live broadcast at the Student Organizations Fair, 11a.m. – 2 p.m.*Harbor Art Gallery exhibit Damn. the Torpedoes, 11a.m. – 6p.m., McCormack 1st floor*Graduate Student Orientation/Open House, noon-7 p.m., Administration 2nd floor
Campus Info Fair10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., McCormack, 1st floor and on plaza between McCormack and Wheatley. Find out information about campus activities and organizations, etc. For more information, contact Joyce Morgan at 617-287-7950.
Friday 6
Opening Week Activities:*Information tables in McCormack and Wheatley, 1st floor*Beacon Fitness Center Open House, McCormack 1st floor*Harbor Art Gallery exhibit Damn. the Torpedoes, 11a.m. – 6p.m., McCormack 1st floor*Graduate Student Orientation/Open House, noon- 5 p.m., Administration 2nd floor
Saturday 7
Free Sailing Lessons12 – 7 p.m., provided to UMB students Monday through Saturday. For more information, call 617-287-7833.
Sunday 8
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal7:00 p.m. Listen to interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials, examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. For more information, call 617-287-6900.
Monday 9
Beacon Fitness Center Racquetball ClinicRacquetball players of all skills and levels will be taught the rules and regulations of racquetball. This clinic will also highlight basic skills that a players should become efficient at to be come a better player. All members will be entered in a raffle for a free UMass Boston t-shirt. Clinics run Sept 9-13 & 23-27. For more information, call 617-287-6788 or email [email protected].
Campus Ministry: Meet and Greet Open House2:30 – 4 p.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Chapel. The Catholic Student Organization of UMass Boston welcomes anyone interested to stop by the Chapel and say hello and enjoy a bite to eat. Create an opportunity to meet other like-minded seekers just by showing up! Information on the Catholic Student Organization will be available as well. For more information, call 617-287-5839 or email [email protected]
New Beginnings: Interfaith Bible Study of Genesis11:30 a.m. – 12:25 p.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Chapel. This bible study is offered weekly on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the Fall semester when in session. For more information, call 617-287-5839 or email [email protected]
Beacon Leadership Project Class Meeting2:30 – 4p.m., Wheatley, 2nd floor, room 158. For more information, contact Joyce Morgan at 617-287-7950.
Braintree, Copley Square, and Plymouth classes begin. UMass Online classes begin.
Tuesday 10
Add/Drop deadline for on-campus courses.
Deferral Request deadline for newly admitted students.
Workshop: Demystifying Job Development Holiday Inn, Brookline MA. A three-day workshop that covers the process of assisting people with disabilities to obtain quality jobs in the community. Topics include planning, making employer contacts, networking, presentation skills, identifying business needs, and managing the job development process. A portion of each day will be spent interacting with local employers. (Sept. 10, 11, & 25). Registration required ($150). We ask that requests for accommodations be made at least three weeks before the workshop. For more information, call 617-287-4337 or email [email protected].
Free Tuesday Harbor Cruises12 noon – 1:15 p.m. Take a tour of the harbor. Learn about the sites and sounds of the Boston Harbor Islands on board the M/V Hurricane while getting to know your fellow students and/or co-workers. Boat departs from Fox-Point dock. Call 617-287-5404 for more information.
Wednesday 11
September 11th Memorial of Hope 8:45 a.m. – 6 p.m., various locations. Sponsored by Student Affairs & Campus Ministry. For more information, call 617-287-5800.
Friday 13
International Students Workshop 2:30 – 4:30 p.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Ryan Lounge. Sponsored by the University Advising Center. For more information, call 617-287-5500.
Corporate, Continuing and Distance Education Friday classes begin.
Saturday 14
Saturday classes begin.
Free Sailing Lessons12 – 7 p.m., provided to UMB students Monday through Saturday. For more information, call 617-287-7833.
Sunday 15
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal7:00 p.m. Listen to interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials, examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. For more information, call 617-287-6900.
Monday 16
Beacon Fitness Center Orientation: Get the most out of your Nautilus workoutStudents, staff, and alumni will become familiarized with the nautilus equipment and program cards. This orientation will cover seat adjustments, joint range of motion, and proper alignment. The question and answer period will field questions about routines and different types of workout on the equipment. Seminars run though Sept 20. For more information, call 617-287-6788 or email [email protected].
Perkins Loan Entrance Interview 2 – 5:30 p.m., McCormack, 1st floor, room 428. Sponsored by Financial Aid Services. For more information, call 617-287-6300.
Tuesday 17
Engineering 103 Student Presentation8 – 10:30 a.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Ryan Lounge. For more information contact Tomas Materday at 617-287-6435.
Free Tuesday Harbor Cruises12 noon – 1:15 p.m. Take a tour of the harbor. Learn about the sites and sounds of the Boston Harbor Islands on board the M/V Hurricane while getting to know your fellow students and/or co-workers. Boat departs from Fox-Point dock. Call 617-287-5404 for more information.
Alpha Lambda Delta Induction Ceremony5:30 – 9 p.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Ryan Lounge. For more information, contact Layeforest Donald at 617-287-5862.
Wednesday 18
College of Management Fall Convocation: “Corporate Citizenship”Noon – 2 p.m., Administration, 3rd floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. Featuring Alumnus Mickey Wiles ’83, Chief Financial Officer, Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Holdings, Inc. For more information, call 617-287-7734.
Celebration of American Popular Music2:30 – 4 p.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Ryan Lounge. The Honors Program invites the University community to a presentation by UMB American Studies Professor Rachel Rubin, and Professor Jeffrey Melnick of Babson College, co-authors of the new book American Popular Music (University of Massachusetts Press). Recorded musical selections from the great American traditions will be played with commentary by Professors Rubin and Melnick. For more information, call 617-287-5520 or email [email protected]. Copies of this new book and information about UMB’s Honors Program will be available at this event.
College of Management: Open Forum for Students2:30-3:30 p.m., location TBA. Featuring Alumnus Mickey Wiles ’83, Chief Financial Officer, Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Holdings, Inc. For more information, call 617-287-7734.