To the strangers on the subway, where we are all so quiet that the only thing heard is the inner riot, uncomfortable words. Or you read the Metro and realize you don’t give a fuck, so you kinda cross your eyes and see through the page to your sneakers, occasionally taking a peak around…mostly staring at the ground just ahead of you. Is that evolution?
“No one else exists but me, do da, do da! Anonymous democracy, all the do da day .” I say that this personal freedom makes a country in hell, because we live blindly and mutely with nothing to tell. Sometimes I think of great speeches, of subway preachers…ways to make strangers less strange. The broadest range of human kind is on these trains. That’s why, when I grow up and save the world I’m gonna start on the subway, to a “captive audience” as they say. I’d tell “em about fluff. Here is my equestrian equation. To produce Fluff, you must grow horses (since their hooves, it is widely suspected, are what makes the gelatin found in Fluff). To grow horses, you need land and horse food. Butcher em up, boil em down and now you have fluff. And you’ve wasted a helluva lot of energy in the process. If we were, say, going to feed Somalia, would we feed them fluff sandwiches? Nope. Its so creepy, the amount of time, land and energy we waste to rot our children’s teeth. ( I’ll save my “plea for the American Vegetarian” spiel for a later date.)
Honestly, if the entire world lived like we do, the whole game would be over in less than a decade. There is a shit load of people on this boat!!!
For example, if China ever got their foot on the gas pedal, to the same degree that Americans own cars, than all the fossil fuel that we know of (and yes Mr. Bush I heard about your Alaska) would be depleted in 5 years. Its actually for our own bloated self-interest that we stop acting like pork chops with ADHD. I’ve never lived in abject poverty and I’m not asking for it, but I think that it is truly American to have a guilt of superiority complex. Were just too high up on the crude chain. We have an impossible image to live up to, as the television beats into our subconscious every day. I really believe that our “success” comes only from our insecurity. We work harder, and spend more money, cuz we feel like shit. Maybe, you’ve got a little joy, somewhere, somehow…but that is not really American. Being American is being free to see the price tag on all of our heads. We are Consumers, and America is a big corporation with a very trendy logo. Sometimes I feel like were a big, pulsing leech content to bleed the world dry, and as a college kid, I’m scared to grow up and suck my share.