Your help in getting this info to students would be appreciated
Steve MainerAssistant News EditorBelleville (Ill.) News-Democrat
Please post or forward to an appropriate staff member.
The Belleville News-Democrat, a 55,000 daily, 65,000 Sunday KnightRidder newspaper located across the river from the Gateway Arch in St.Louis, is once again offering a paid summer internship open to minoritystudents on its universal copy desk.
The selected intern will work side-by-side with our regular desk staff,editing, writing headlines and often paginating. Pay for the 10-weekinternship is $400 per week. Interns are responsible for their ownhousing, and will need reliable transportation.
Candidates should be entering their junior or senior year; andexperience on your college paper is a big plus. Recent grads also willbe considered.
Please send a letter telling why you’d like this internship and what you
can learn from it, a resume, clips and three professional references to:
Steve MainerAssistant News EditorP.O. Box 427Belleville, IL 62222
Questions or more information? e-mail Steve at: [email protected] or call(618) 239-2450.
The deadline for applications has been extended to Feb. 1, 2001.