Tuesday, November 19
1:19am- A fire alarm went off and was attributed to a mechanical failure within the alarm.
11:43am- Property reported missing last week was recovered and returned to its owner.
5:17pm- Officers went to Wheatley Hall to serve a suspension notice.
Wednesday, November 20
10:15am- Report of an unwanted person in the dean’s office in the Administration Building.
10:47am- A past larceny from the Science Center reported.
3:50pm- In the garage under the McCormack Building, someone hit a hole in the garage and left a pothole in their wake.
4:24pm- An item was reported stolen from the Healey Library.
7:52pm- Another person hit the pothole in the garage under the McCormack Building.
Thursday, November 21
8:47am- Theft of a carpet was reported from the floor in the McCormack Building.
11:47am- A fight was reported in Wheatley Hall. Public Safety representatives separated the parties and calmed them down.
Friday, November 22
12:43pm- A person came in to report an item stolen from the plaza.
Monday, November 25
11:02am- A past larceny reported in the Administration Building.
2:01pm- Another report of larceny, this time from the McCormack Building.
6:46pm- While attempting to make a turn in the garage under the McCormack Building, the driver of a truck struck the wall, causing damage to the truck.
Tuesday, November 2611:26am- A fire alarm was pulled in Wheatley Hall.
12:34pm- Report of a stolen bag from the Healey Library.
2:33pm- After following up on reports of a smoky smell in the Wheatley Building, a small fire consisting of papers was discovered smoldering in a stairwell. Public safety took care of it.
2:52pm- In the nearby Science Building, less than half an hour later, a fire was discovered in a water cooler. Public Safety also put out that fire.
3:00pm- Soon after the water cooler fire, a small bonfire of paper bits was discovered in the McCormack Building. There are suspicions that the three fires were set by the same person.
4:11pm- Theft from an office in the Science Building.
Friday, November 29
10:08am- Damage was reported to a door and a desk in an office in the McCormack Building.
10:41am- An intrusion alarm in the McCormack Building was sounded.
11:16am- In the Healey Library, new alarm buttons were recently installed in the elevators. The buttons have a speaker next to them so people can alert the authorities if they get trapped in one of the elevators. One of these new alarms went off, was checked out, and presumed okay.
11:29am- Another new elevator alarm sounded and was also checked and was okay.
1:49pm- An intrusion alarm sounded in Wheatley.
Saturday, November 30
5:50pm- Theft from the Administration Building reported.
6:02pm- A disturbance was reported in the Administration Building and some juveniles were asked to leave the premises of the university.
6:07pm- An incident believed to be a related to the above disturbance occurred. It is believed that the juveniles asked to leave just moments before pulled a fire alarm on their way out.