GSA Spring 2003 Elections:
Become a voting member of the Graduate Student Assembly and have a say in where your money is spent. Every semester, $36 of your Graduate Student Activity Fee is given to the GSA to support graduate student interests. Voting members of the GSA decide which Recognized Professional Associations (RPA) or “graduate student clubs” receive funding.
In addition to financially supporting RPA’s, the Graduate Student Assembly also decides on which graduate students deserve to receive money in the form of grants. The GSA offers a Professional Development Grant (PDG) which reimburses students up to $500 for attending conferences, seminars, workshops, training sessions, and symposiums. Other grants available through the GSA include a $1000 “Spayne Master’s Thesis/Project Grants” and a $1000 “Craig R. Bollinger Memorial (Doctoral Student) Research Grant.” Not including the support of RPA’s, the GSA disperses about $48,000 in awards and grants.
Other ways members of the GSA have the power to help enhance the academic and professional development of the graduate student community is by serving as an advocate of graduate student issues to community leaders. Without adequate representation of graduate students from various departments, the GSA cannot effectively address pressing issues.
How does one become a member of the GSA? As per the GSA Constitution, every assembly member must be voted into office by the graduate student body. The first step involved is obtaining a nomination form which is available in the Student Life Office, Wheatley 4th floor. The campaigning period is between March 26th and April 4th, during which time two open debate sessions will be held. Elections will be held on April 8th, 9th and 10th. Voters will be able to cast their ballots online.
Visit our website at for general information of the Graduate Student Assembly or for additional information on the election process.
Additional GSA News:
/ Congratulations to the Professional Association of Historical Archaeologists. The GSA ratified them as it’s newest Recognized Professional Association (RPA)
/ GSA voted to support School of Psychology’s Clinical Psychology Symposium and contribute $100 towards a speaker honorarium.
/ GSA voted to support the Taiwan Student Association’s participation in the Boston Student Taiwanese Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament and contribute $100 towards rental space fees and refreshments. The GSA wishes them the best of luck.
/ GSA voted to donate $1600 to the Registrar’s Office towards the purchase of additional Student Computer Kiosks. Accessibility to computers could make students’ lives much easier.
/ The Fourth Annual Graduate Academic Conference is Friday, April 11th, 2003.
/ GSA is accepting abstracts for posters for the Graduate Academic Conference.
/ The application deadline for Spring Semester Spayne and Bollinger Research Grants is Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 5:00pm. Please hand in applications to the GSA office or the Office of Student Life.