Opportunity Knocking
CPCS students interested in applying for the West End Scholarship must submit applications to Sarah Bartlett, administrative dean by March 26. Applications may be obtained from the office of student services, located in W-4-151.
In order to be eligible for this scholarship, a student must not currently receive a Pell Grant, be a minimum of 25 years of age, and have been enrolled in the higher education program for less than two years prior to enrollment in the CPCS program. Priority will be given to students who are parents.
The recipient of the West End Scholarship will be granted $4,500 toward their education. The scholarship will be presented on May 16, at the CPCS Awards Night Program.
Students with questions concerning the scholarship should contact Suzanne Allmendinger in the Community Connection at 617-287-7124.
Planning Possibilities
Students and faculty are invited to attend an open meeting of UMass Boston’s University Planning Council on March 10. The meeting will be located in the Provost’s Conference Room on the 8th floor of the Healey Library. This event will take place from 3:00 to 4:00pm.
The purpose of the meeting is for the public to see the progress that has been made since the group began gathering in November to discuss the course of the campus for the upcoming five years. The Planning Council is composed of fifty UMass students, faculty, and staff.
At the meeting, attendants will have the opportunity to review a status report, as well as offer opinions on potential ways to accomplish the goals the college hopes to achieve within the next five years.
Run . . .or Walk
On Sunday, April 6, the first annual Beacon Dash 5K Walk/Run will be held. The Walk/Run is to benefit the UMass Boston Early Learning Center. Participants will meet at the Clark Athletic Center on the day of the race.
All are encouraged to attend and walk or run along the scenic Boston Harbor. The cost of registration is $17 if paid on or before March 27, and $20 after that date. There are awards and perks, such as showering facilities and T-Shirts for the first 200 participants who sign up.
Those with questions should contact Chris Fitzgerald, race director, at 617-287-6788.
Bulging Bank Statements
Inspired by a recent program entitled “Crimewatch,” 90 viewers in London have provided police with tips on the whereabouts of James “Whitey” Bulger. Bulger is accused of many crimes in the Boston area, including murder, extortion, and drug dealing.
London police are certain that Bulger was the renter of a safety deposit box at Barclays Bank in Piccadilly, which is located in central London. Bulger began renting the box in 1992. However, the box was moved to another location in 1997 when that branch closed. After obtaining a search warrant, police searched the safety deposit box and discovered that it contained an Irish passport with Bulger’s name, as well as U.S., Swiss, French, and Irish currency totaling approximately $57,000.
Basically, this information serves to prove that not only is Bulger still alive and successfully eluding the authorities, he is living large while he does it.