The Fourth Annual Graduate Academic Conference The Graduate Student Assembly staff is feverishly working to put together The Fourth Annual Graduate Academic Conference to be held Friday, April 11. The goal of the conference is to help provide you the graduate student with workshops and seminars that will help equip you the graduate students with the tools you need to be successful in school and beyond.
The seminar is fully funded by the GSA therefore the workshops, seminars and the luncheon is FREE to all graduate students and faculty. However, we do need to get an accurate headcount and therefore ask everyone interested in participating to register with the GSA by emailing us at
with the subject CONF2003. Please be sure to include your name, program, degree track, whether you will be attending the luncheon, and if you intend on presenting a poster.
The schedule for the conference is as follows:
9:00-9:30 Coffee and Breakfast Pastries
9:30-2:00 “Sharpen Your Skill Set” – A series of seminars and panel sessions focused on acquiring skills to help you succeed at UMB. Learn about academic and financial resources available to students–and how to search for external funding
12:15-1:15 Luncheon at the University Club
1:30-3:30 “Job Searching in the New Millennium” – A panel of professionals will assist in building resumes, providing tips for job searching and helping improve interview skills.
3:30-4:30 Poster Reception – Join us for refreshments and mingle with fellow students while learning about the academic achievements and interesting research of your peers.
Call for Posters
The Poster Reception at the Graduate Academic Conference is a perfect opportunity for graduate students to practice their academic presentation skills while allowing the university community an opportunity to fully appreciate your contribution to the broad spectrum of research that goes on here at UMB.
We encourage everyone to participate by either presenting posters previously used at other academic events or by presenting your latest research projects that you will soon present.
The GSA will be accepting abstracts for posters for Poster Reception until March 29, 2003.
For more information go to the GSA Website ( and click on the Graduate Academic Conference link.
e-mail: [email protected].