Physical play is something that one usually doesn’t associate with the present day Boston Celtics. However, the team’s recent play in the first round of the NBA playoffs against the Indiana Pacers has definitely changed this town’s perception of it.
Please note that physical play does not necessarily include thuggish behavior on the court. Yes, there has been an inordinate amount of hard fouls committed by both the Celtics and Pacers. But not to be ignored is the demeanor that fans can see on the faces of Green Machine.
Antoine Walker and Paul Pierce have stepped up their presence as leaders on and off the court. Attitude is visible; determination manifests as three point plays and defensive rebounds. Although there were glimpses of these traits in last year’s playoffs, sustained passion would hardly make appearances in back-to-back games. And too often this season did the Green Machine not show up to play, especially at home.
What is most enjoyable about this particular first round is this intensified play has derived from the obvious mutual dislike that the two teams have for one another. Pacer Ron Artest has become the new-age Bill Lambeer. Even though he is one the greatest clutch performers this game has ever seen, Reggie Miller is a dislikable character. And of course, leading the enemy is Isiah Thomas, former Bad Boy of Motor City and member of Johnny Most’s Top Ten Most Wanted list.
But hold the hoisting of the 17th banner. The unexpected level of energy and moxy from the Celtics will not translate into a championship. There are too many teams that have oodles of talent and even thought they are exclusively in the Western Conference, no Celtic team, or any other Eastern Conference team for that matter, will triumph in an NBA finals round.
So, enjoy the passionate play and few victories the Celtics have been producing. Just don’t get all riled up and start speaking of match ups in the finals. There is a long way to go yet, and just as quickly as the Celtics found their newfound intensity, they could just as easily as lose it.
Side note: In regard to the region’s most beloved team at the moment, the New England Patriots, prognosticators and gurus far and wide have both lavished praise on or ridiculed the team’s draft choices and decisions in last week’s NFL draft. The honest truth on the matter is that it is too early to see if the Pats were geniuses or blunderers. Let’s talk in two or three years about this group.