Established in 1999, UMBE Green, the campus’ Recycling/Sustainability program has been engaged in the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, but more importantly promote and implement sustainable practices that range from purchase of environmentally preferable products, energy efficiency, green building practices in addition to steadily increasing the scope and amount of materials recycled and engage in cost-savings.*In 2002 alone, UMass Boston recycled over 700,000 lbs of materials (a 350% increase in recycling, since 1999). That’s 500,000 lbs of materials that would otherwise be heading for a landfill or incinerator!UMB had a modest recycling program since 1994. However, in keeping with the improvements in the recycling and green business markets, ever since 1999, the recycling setup has been modified to make it easier for the user and more comprehensive. Currently we recycle:*All paper*Glass containers, Metal Containers, Plastics (#1-# 5)*Cardboard*Bulk goods (metal lockers / furniture / obsolete equipment / refrigerators) *Leaves and yard waste*Pre-consumer food waste*Wooden pallets*Computers and electronic equipmentUMass Boston is the only public university in Boston to sign the Talloires declaration that reflecting its commitment commits our campus to sustainable practices. UMBe Green works with a number of departments on campus to coordinate sustainability efforts, and the progress made is evident among all levels of campus operations management.
Did you know?*In 2002 alone, you helped recycle approximately 700,000 lbs of solid waste: *Approximately 280,000 lbs of paper, 63,000 lbs of corrugated cardboard, 31,000 lbs of bottles and cans (glass/metal/plastic), 25,000 lbs of wooden pallets, 55,000 lbs of compost (food from the kitchen, leaves and yard waste), 46,000 lbs of computers and electronics and a whopping 193,000 lbs of bulk goods (obsolete equipment, furniture, lockers, etc)!In addition, UMBe Green worked with many different departments and organizations on campus to help increase environmental awareness and practices.
Additionally did you know?*All campus cafeterias (Sodexho) have been using state-of-the-art biodegradable bags for composting. UMB also helped pave the way for these to be used at the Olympic games in Sydney?*All copy paper from Central Reprographics used on campus copy machines and departments has 30% post consumer content?*Campus dining services (Sodexho) recycles all their cardboard and back-of-the-house bottles and cans used for food preparation and composted approximately 30,000 lbs of food waste (food preparation, coffee grinds) just in 2003?*Wits End Café composts all their coffee grinds?*Parking and Transportation department offers Carpools and Vanpools ?*Our new campus center is built incorporating L.E.E. D. criteria?*Facilities Department has won many awards in recognition for its new energy-efficiency and water conservation measures?*Many of the spaces on campus are carpeted with sustainable materials (green carpets, recycled-content carpets) and painted with recycled or low VOC paints?*All campus business cards printed by Central Reprographics are 100% post-consumer with soy inks?*UMB Greenhouse and Grounds have participated in composting all their leaf and yard waste*A number of student organizations have funded and participated in obtaining funds for a campus reusable cup events?*UMB’s Procurement department always promotes green purchases in contracts/training?*UMB’s Env. Health and Safety Dept. engages in hazardous/chemical waste recycling?What you can do to contribute your share:
At a personal level:
Be mindful of the waste that practices generate and takes steps to minimize them. For e.g.
Use the reusable trays in the cafeterias, make double-sided copies, bring a reusable fork or mug to campus to name a few.
As a student:
UMBe Green also offers a number of student internships. If you are interested in getting involved, consider signing up for an internship (paid/academic for-credit). UMBe Green works with the Undergraduate Environmental Studies program and other others on campus for a variety of internships. Students that have been interested in making a difference have often been engaged in a number of exciting ventures from learning about how to run a recycling program, to developing websites related to recycling, to helping to promote environmental awareness through events during “Earth Day and “America Recycles Day”.
For more questions, call or write to Aditi Pain, Manager, Recycling/Sustainability Program, Auxiliary Services, UMB, [email protected] or visit