Dear Editor,
There is an interesting story going on in Washington, DC that I’ve heard very little about in any of the news media.
I am referring to an upcoming meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, where it will be decided if huge media moguls will be allowed to become even bigger.
Most of us didn’t even realize that a free press is very dependant on autonomy and a democracy is dependent upon a free press. If a large concentration of Newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, publishers and Internet Providers are allowed to be controlled by just a few corporations then all we’ll ever hear or see will be based on the dictates of those corporations or the personalities that control them. What an undesirable circumstance that will be for all of us!
There is a bright spot though, this behind the scenes vote of the FCC over who’ll control what America sees and hears won’t happen until June 2nd. The FCC is still allowing public input until May 30, 2003 so now is the time to contact the FCC at: on the internet or call them toll-free at: 1-888-225-5322 (1-888-CALL FCC) for more information. Or write them at: Federal Communications Commission445 12th Street, SWWashington, DC 20554
Make your voice heard.
Scott Zorc
1515 Cypress Drive
Buford, Ga 30518
(770) 614-4489