Monday, May 12
7:58am- Attempt was made at stealing one of the picnic tables by McCormack Hall. Police found that some of the bolts holding down the table had been loosened. The perps apparently just gave up, and had a picnic elsewhere.
12:55pm- Kids were at with the phone at the University Drive West, playing that old game of 9-1-1 hang-up. Police told them to knock it off.
10:06pm- Another 9-1-1 hang-up, on University Drive North. Nobody was there when police arrived.
Tuesday, May 13
7:58am- Wallet reported stolen in Wheatley Hall, probably by the same guy who earlier abandoned the ambitious Great Picnic Table Heist.
8:26am- Purse taken in the Healey Library.
4:07pm- 9-1-1 Hang-up in University Drive West. No one was in the area.
6:09pm- Case of locker theft in McCormack Hall.
8:56pm- Professor was reportedly sick in Wheatley Hall, asking for medical assistance. Right before finals, too…
Wednesday, May 14
5:21pm- Larceny reported in the Healey Library.
8:20pm- 9-1-1 hang-up at University Drive North. Another one occurred an hour later. Nobody was there at either time.
Thursday, May 15
5:35pm- Theft reported from the fitness center in McCormack Hall.
Friday, May 16
3:24pm- Person was reportedly causing a disturbance in an office in McCormack, but had left by the time police arrived.
4:27pm- Hit and run in University Drive South.
Saturday, May 17
2:04am- Alarm call in Wheatley Hall. Area was checked out, and determined to be all right.
12:53pm- Ankle injury on University Drive South.
Sunday, May 18
1:54am- Car was found that had struck and knocked down a white pole. The person has been summoned to court.
1:58pm- Suspicious person reported in the Quinn Administration Building, who turned out to be someone who just wasn’t feeling well. An ambulance was called.
4:00pm- Wallet was recovered in Quinn Administration Building, far away from the Bursar’s Office.
4:23pm- Another hit in run, this time by the Science Center.
Monday, May 19
7:46am- Building materials were stolen from the Campus Center construction site.
3:37pm- Police went off campus to do what’s called a “welfare check” on a person, to make sure they’re doing all right.
4:10pm- Disturbance in McCormack, by the same person as before on Friday. Looks like they didn’t get a chance to cool down over the weekend. The person had left by the time police arrived, and the matter has been referred Student Affairs.
Tuesday, May 20
2:13pm- Theft in the Service Building.
Wednesday, May 21
3:37pm- Theft in the Clark Center.
3:41pm- Harassment reported in the Science Center.
Thursday, May 22
6:08am- Missing property was recovered in a Wheatley restroom and turned over to police.
11:46am- Missing item in Wheatley Hall, happening again a half-hour later.
3:02pm- Suspicious person was reportedly in the bookstore. Police handed them a trespass notice for shoplifting. No word whether financial aid was recommended to the person for next time around.
4:06pm- Person complained of dizziness in McCormack, and was taken to the hospital.
Friday, May 23
3:27pm- Larceny reported in the Quinn Building.
Saturday, May 24
9:59am- The weekend was inaugurated with an alarm call in McCormack, and another one in Wheatley at 10:13am. Police checked both instances out, and everything appeared to be fine.