Wednesday 26
The Queer Student Union presents Ingrid Rivera, who will speak on a number of issues that pertain to the complexities of being queer in the black community and being a person of color in the LGBT community. The lecture will be followed by a lunch and discussion with Ingrid and finally a poetry performance. The event is scheduled to take place between 11:30am and 2:30pm in the Wheatley lounge, Wheatley 4th floor.
Time Management and Notetaking WorkshopMcCormack Bldg. 3rd floor, 12:30-1:30pm. This is a free workshop open to any UMass Boston student. Offered by the CAS Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Center.
Arts of the Diaspora, 2nd floor, McCormack Bldg. 2:30-4pm
Student Senate Meeting, 2:30pm Wheatley Student Lounge, 4th floor,
Racism, Lynching and the American Ideal4-6 pm, Wheatley, 4th floor, CPCS Plaza. The Africana Studies Department and the College of Public and Community Service invite faculty, staff, students and friends to celebrate the installation of “Descent from the Tree #2,” a 72″x90″ acrylic on canvas painting by Michael Russo. The ceremony will be held in the Malcolm X Lounge where the painting will be hung and there will be comments from Pearl and Deirdre Russo. A reception and panel discussion will follow in the CPCS Plaza. Ismael Ramirez-Soto, Dean of CPCS will moderate the panel comprised of Robert Johnson, Chair, Africana Studies Dept., Chris Nteta, CPCS Professor and Regina Rodriguez-Mitchell, Director, Trotter Institute. For more information contact Marie Kennedy at 617-287-7262 or via email at [email protected].
Thursday 27
20th Anniversary of Interfaith Campus Ministry at UMass Boston5-7pm, McCormack, 3rd floor, Interfaith Chapel. The Catholic Archdiocese of Boston and Boston Cambridge Ministry in Higher Education entered into covenant with the University of Massachusetts 20 years ago. The students and staff led a petition drive, Sarah Small called for prayer, and a valued aspect of leader develo pment was born at UMass Boston. Please come and celebrate with us! For more information, call 617-287-5838 or e-mail [email protected].
Friday 28
Biology Department Seminar2:30 – 4pm, Science Building, 1st floor, room 006. Featuring Dr. Rosalind Rolland, New England Aquarium, “Sex and Stress: Endocrinology in Right Whales.” For more information, call 617-287-6600 or e-mail [email protected].
Monday, March 3
12:30-1:30 pm Substance Abuse Issues Support GroupWeekly support group provides support, information and resources to students with substance abuse concerns. This is not a 12-step program. Faciliated by Donna Stonis, Health Educator. Donna is a Certified Alcoholism Counelor. You may attend any or all sessions. There is NO CHARGE FOR THIS PROGRAM, and pre-registration IS NOT required. Indivdual consultation about alcohol and other drug problems is also available by appointment. Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613
2:00-3:00pm Nutrition and Fitness Workshop Making Healthy Food and Fitness Choices – Weekly support group and workshop providing resources, tools, support and tips. Faciliated by Donna Stonis, Health Educator. Donna’s qualifications include: Certification in Nutrition Analysis Dietetic Assessment, ACE Personal Trainer, AAFA Group Fitness Instructor. You may attend any or all sessions. There is NO CHARGE FOR THIS PROGRAM, however PRE-REGISTRATION is required. Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613
Tuesday March 4
10:00-11:00am Time Management WorkshopMake the most of your time – learn and develop skills to manage your time, your stress – YOUR LIFE. This series of workshops will provide you with tools, resources and tips – and will help you to incorporate them into your own unique time management system. Create a more satisfying, nurturing and effective system for managing all of your roles, responsibilities and commitments. Make time for those things you want to do – but never seem to get to. Facilitated by Linda Jorgensen, BSW and Life Coach. Attend all or any session, there is no charge for this program, but you MUST PRE-REGISTER. Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613 11:00am-12pm Alcohol and Other Drug Peer Leader TrainingThe Alcohol and Other Drug Peer Leader Training Program is a 3-session training which focuses on the following areas: Basic information about alcohol and other drugs, symptoms of abuse/dependency, and how to intervene with a person who has an alcohol or other drug problem. Resources for help, both on and off campus. Students who complete the training receive a Certificate of Achievement. YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR THIS PROGRAM IN ADVANCE. TO JOIN THIS PROGRAM PLEASE CONTACT DONNA STONIS DIRECTLY AT 617-287-5648.Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613 1:15-1:45pm Office Break YogaThis program is facilitated by Donna Stonis, Certified Yoga Instructor. Positioning, alignment and action in basic yoga are all explored in this course. A significant emphasis will be placed on guidance in the course and instruction is given on how you can practice at home. Included are standing poses, simple forward bends and twists, and basic breathing techniques. There is no charge for this program. You may attend any or all sessions. Mats are provided. Please wear comfortable clothing. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613 2:00pm-3:00pm Support For Healthy Lifestyle Change WorkshopWould you like to lose weight? Stop smoking? Start a fitness program? Manage your time and your stress more effectively? All of the above and more? Join us for a weekly series of workshops which will provide support, encouragement, skills, tools and resources to assist you in making healthy lifestyle changes. Understand where you are NOW in the PROCESS of change using the Stages of Change Model. You will increase your understanding of how change occurs – stop berating yourself – and start moving in the direction of the changes you desire for yourself. There is NO CHARGE for this program. You may attend any or all sessions. However YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER to participate. Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613
Wednesday, March 5
Budget and Finance Committee meeting, 1:30pm Student Senate office, Wheatley Bldg. 4th floor.
Student Events and Organization meeting, 2:30pm Student Senate office, Wheatley Bldg. 4th floor.
Campus and Community Affairs meeting, 1:30pm Student Senate office, Wheatley Bldg. 4th floor.
Steering Committee meeting, 3pm Student Senate office, Wheatley Bldg., 4th floor.
11:00am-12:00pm, Office Break YogaThis program is faciliated by Donna Stonis, Certified Yoga Instructor. Positioning, alignment and action in basic yoga are all explored in this course. A significant emphasis will be placed on guidance in the course and instruction is given on how you can practice at home. Included are standing poses, simple forward bends and twists, and basic breathing techniques. There is no charge for this program. You may attend any or all sessions. Mats are provided. Please wear comfortable clothing. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613
12:30-1:30pm, Support For Healthy Lifestyle Change Workshop Series Would you like to lose weight? Stop smoking? Start a fitness program? Manage your time and your stress more effectively? All of the above and more? Join us for a weekly series of workshops which will provide support, encouragement, skills, tools and resources to assist you in making healthy lifestyle changes. Understand where you are NOW in the PROCESS of change using the Stages of Change Model. You will increase your understanding of how change occurs – stop berating yourself – and start moving in the direction of the changes you desire for yourself. There is NO CHARGE for this program. You may attend any or all sessions. However YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER to participate. Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613 2-3:00pm Time Management WorkshopMake the most of your time – learn and develop skills to manage your time, your stress – YOUR LIFE. This series of workshops will provide you with tools, resources and tips – and will help you to incorporate them into your own unique time management system. Create a more satisfying, nurturing and effective system for managing all of your roles, responsibilities and commitments. Make time for those things you want to do – but never seem to get to. Faciliated by Linda Jorgensen, BSW and Life Coach. Attend all or any session, there is no charge for this program, but you MUST PRE-REGISTER.Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613 3-3:45pm ReikiThis program is faciliated by Donna Stonis, Reiki Master Reenergize! Reiki is a gentle, hands on technique for reducing stress, relieving pain and faciliating personal growth and the body’s own healing. Through healing touch your energy level is balanced and immune system enhanced. Take this opportunity to discover all the benefits Reiki has to offer. There is no charge for this program. You may attend any or all sessions. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Location: The Wellness Center, M/1/613
3pm Daniel Ellsberg speaks on War, Government Secrecy, and Deception.8th floor conference room, Healey Library. Sponsored by the William Joiner Center. the John W. McCormack Institute of Public Affairs, the College of Public and Community Service. Call (617) 287-5850 for more information.