To the Editor:
The Philosophy Club owes the UMB community an apology and an explanation for the racially insensitive flyer it posted last week to publicize their organizational meeting. The graphic image, of an actor portraying a negative racial stereotype, may have been chosen only for its ostensibly humorous appearance, but the choice demonstrated insensitivity and obliviousness. What were they thinking?
I’ve attended enough Philosophy Club meetings in the past to know that most, if not all, of its members affirm diversity and condemn racism, but I feel that, from this point forward, I’ll be hard-pressed to defend my attendance to my friends and colleagues. Now, it may be that I’m the only one that was offended by this flyer, and if so, then I must apologize for being overly touchy and supersensitive. But I don’t think this will prove to be the case.
David A. Hammond, M. Ed., 2004