Budget and Finance
The Budget and Finance Committee discussed various issues last week, including the 2002-2003 Undergraduate Student Government Budget. Its revenue is derived entirely from the Student Activities Fee, a mandatory charge that every Undergraduate pays. The total revenue, after accounting for an administrative overcharge and waivers, comes to over $460,000.
This money is funneled into a variety of causes, including the staff at Student Life and the Harbor Art Gallery. Student Centers, clubs, and the Student Senate also benefit from the Student Activities Fee.
MassPIRG and The Mass Media derive part of their funding from voluntary donations, rather than the Student Activities Fee.
Student Events and Organizations
Due to lack of quorum, the Student Events and Organizations Committee could not vote to approve any of the club activation requests. However, SEOC chair Maria Moreno made assurances that the new club activations will be on the agenda for the next senate meeting and will push to have second reading waived.
In the event that the Student Senate approves the new clubs, the matter would normally be taken back to the SEOC (or the appropriate committee) for approval as well, a procedure known as second reading. Waiving second reading negates the necessity of having to go back to the SEOC, thereby ensuring that the club activation process is on schedule.
According to the Recognized Student Organization (RSO) activation information packet, the Student Events and Organizations Committee votes for the activation of each club February 19; the Student Senate votes February 26.
Campus and Community Affairs
Campus and Community Affairs Committee Chair Fritz Hippolite reminded everyone that Student Senate nominations are on the agenda for the next Student Senate meeting, which is held this week. The need to fill vacancies within the Student Senate will also be discussed at the next senate meeting.
Stephen Chait, vice chancellor of Administration/Finance, is scheduled to speak at the next Student Senate meeting.
The Campus and Community Affairs Committee acts as the internal relations branch of the Student Government Association. Its responsibilities include promoting the academic interests of the student body and recommending student membership of various offices to the Student Senate.