36 UMass Boston students return to serve as Jumpstart Corps members as the second semester begins. Through focused one-to-one attention with a preschool child from Roxbury, Jamaica Plain or the South End, Corps members will continue to build children’s language and literacy, social, and initiative skills, thereby preparing them for successful academic and social futures.
Corps members return to Jumpstart after spending the fall semester engaged in learning-rich activities with their partner children in the preschool setting. This past weekend, Corps members learned how to further facilitate a child’s love of learning during Winter Future Teachers Institute (Winter FTI), a two-day training that built on Corps members’ experiences during the fall, introduced new or deeper early childhood content, and included planning for the upcoming months.
“I’m so excited to start Jumpstart again and get back to working with my child,” said Melodie Doyle, Jumpstart UMass Boston Corps member. “It was incredibly rewarding to see the impact I made on Aryelle during the first semester. I have been working hand in hand with her parents to set certain goals for her and I know that we’re only going to build on that progress during the winter and spring.”
After two days of training, Corps members will return to working at Dimock Preschool in Roxbury, Escuelita Boriken in the South End and Nazareth Childcare Center in Jamaica Plain and will support children’s learning and social development through one-to-one reading, circle and choice times, and group activities.
Corps Members Bring National Service Movement To Boston Community
During the fall semester, the 36 University students worked at least five hours each week one-to-one with a partner preschool child. They also spent additional time supporting their child’s teacher and other children in the classroom. In this way, they directly impacted the Boston community by working with local children enrolled in early education programs and helping their families support children’s learning at home.
The 36 Jumpstart UMass Boston Corps members are part of a national Jumpstart Corps of more than 1,200 college students from 50 different colleges and universities across the country. President Bush recently commended Jumpstart Corps members for their commitment to service and thanked them for “setting a great example for their fellow college students.” As AmeriCorps members, Jumpstart Corps members represent a critical component of the national service movement and are actively working to make on impact on their country.
About Jumpstart
Jumpstart is a national organization that engages young people in service to work toward the day every child in America enters school prepared to succeed. Jumpstart recruits, trains, and supports college students to serve as part-time AmeriCorps members, working one-to-one with and supporting young children in Head Start and other early childhood education programs. Jumpstart focuses on building School Success for young children by developing their early language, literacy, and social skills; encouraging strong Family Involvement to help families support children’s learning; and training college students to be Future Teachers and leaders in early childhood education. Jumpstart’s service at UMass Boston is made possible by a partnership with the Office of Service Learning and Community Outreach. Jumpstart’s national sponsors are American Eagle Outfitters, AmeriCorps, Pearson, and Starbucks. Jumpstart has been featured by the New York Times, Boston Globe, USA Today, and Worth and on MTV. For more information, visit the Jumpstart Web site at www.jstart.org.