Police Log is Back
Monday, October 20
4:34pm-Student walked in to report harassment by another student.
4:49pm-Brush fire was reported near Morrissey Blvd. We feel for you, California. No fire was found.
5:43pm-Another fire reported in the same place. This time, smoldering mulch was extinguished.
7:27pm-Suspicious vehicle reported in the North Lot next to the trailers. They worked here.
Tuesday, October 21
12:32am-Suspicious vehicle reported. It was an employee’s car. No word on what the vehicle was suspicious of.
10:50am-Fire reported on Bianculli Blvd. A flowerbed was extinguished. No homes were destroyed in the blaze.
8:47pm-Suspicious vehicle reported on University Drive East. Everything was OK.
11:02pm-A suspicious vehicle was checked and released. I’m beginning to think these vehicles are paranoid.
Wednesday, October 22
9:21am-A motor vehicle and a toll ticket dispenser had an argument. Damage reported to the car.
12:47pm-There was a sprained ankle at the Clark Center. It might have been a hockey player.
2:22pm-A woman reported being struck by a vehicle. She claimed to be injured, but the incident happened the day before.
6:51pm-Larceny reported at the Healey Library.
9:56pm-A toll attendant reported a suspicious group under McCormack.
Friday, October 24
9:12am-Larceny in the Clark Center.
11:51am-Larceny in Wheatley. Coincidence?
12:33pm-Car reported damaged in the UL garage.
Saturday, October 25
2:41pm-9-1-1 hang-up from Wheatley.
4:16pm-Someone had a seizure in the Healey Library.
Sunday, October 26
12:58pm-9-1-1 hang-up in Quinn.
6:24pm-A party had chest pain in the McCormack Building.
7:08pm-False fire alarm in McCormack due to mechanical failure.
9:18pm-Passenger taken into custody on a warrant check during a traffic stop. Yes, the UMB PD can do that.
10:00pm-Hockey player assisted in the Clark Center.
Monday, October 27
8:56am-Books reported vandalized in the Healey Library.
2:25pm-Motor vehicle reported broken into on the UL under McCormack.
Tuesday, October 28
2:33pm-Motor vehicle reported broken into on the LL under McCormack.
2:55pm-Larceny reported in Wheatley.
3:59pm-Disorderly party reported in the Clark Center. Police found he had already left.
4:46pm-The party was found and taken to BMC for psychiatric evaluation. That’s quite a party.
6:14pm-9-1-1 hang-up in the Service Building.
7:19pm-Fire alarm at the new campus center. It only went off in the building.
9:45pm-A woman reported screaming in the McCormack building. Turns out they were doing their job.
Wednesday, October 29
11:53am-No injuries after an accident on University Drive North.
1:56pm-Larceny in Wheatley Hall.
6:24pm-Someone was taken from the Quinn Building for a psychiatric evaluation.
Thursday, October 30
2:42pm-Hit-and-run on University Drive East.
3:16pm-Larceny in Wheatley. Just knock it off, ok?
Friday, October 31, Halloween
10:22am-Subpeonas handed out from a nameless federal agency. Yikes.
1:16pm-Person having difficulty in McCormack removed by ambulance.
10:10am-Basketball player medically assisted in the Clark Center.
Saturday, November 1
4:06pm-a whole bunch of 9-1-1 hang-ups by those annoying little kids. Their conselors were spoken to.