I really think that the debate over the waivable fee has gone on too long. As a member of the undergraduate student senate here at UMass Boston I find that this entire debate has shown how an issue, that is intrinsically trivial, can be stretched into something totally rediculous. The fee for MassPirg is $7 which is not going to break the bank on anyone. The fee is a waivable fee which I find to be totally fair. Why? Because, as I have stated in senate meetings here at UMB I feel that the bill ITSELF is fair. If you are a college student, and you are receiving a bill, then it is your responsibility to read and understand the document. One should read and understand any document that one is issued, whereby you are being asked to pay any sum of money. The document is clear, concise, and fair. How hard is it to flip a piece of paper over and check a box if you don’t want to be charged a fee? It really should be quite simple for a person who claims to be a college student. That is why I have so much trouble understanding the contempt that so many people have for MassPirg and the waivable fee. How does this fee and the way that the tuition bills are set up place students in a position where they are being manipulated? I find this to be a rediculous and offensive sentiment. If you are a college student then you should have the cognitive ability to read and understand a tuition bill, period. I waive the fee for everything, every semester, and have done so since I have been a student here at UMB. It’s simple, it’s easy, and all it takes is a stroke of a pen. Voila, I’m not getting charged for anything extra. I find that the document is fair, and if you can’t understand your bill, then go to the bursar’s office and have someone help you to understand it. I really hope this issue is put to rest because we have better things to deal with on the senate.
Will Roach Senator UMB, Undergraduate Student SenateCampus and Community Affairs ChairPhil & CJ Major, Honors Student