Happy Thanksgiving
The GSA wishes everyone at the university a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
Spayne & Bollinger Fall Deadline
The fall 2003 deadline for the Spayne & Bollinger applications is Tuesday, December 2, 2003 at 5pm. Applications are available on the GSA website, www.gsa.umb.edu.
The Robert W. Spayne Research Grant for Masters students and the Craig R. Bollinger Memorial Research Grant for Doctoral students provide recipients with funding used to complete their thesis or dissertation. This is a competitive process as we receive more applications than available awards.
Education Support Grant
At the end of each semester the GSA awards grants to students with the highest GPA. For more information or an application, log on to the GSA website.
Professional Development Grant
The GSA allocates funds to reimburse matriculated graduate students who attend or present their research at conferences, conventions, and professional meetings related to their field. Applications must be submitted at least one month prior to travel. For more information refer to the GSA website at http://www.gsa.umb.edu/programs.htm.
GSA Meetings
The Graduate Student Assembly will be meeting on 11/20 and 12/4 at 4pm in the Wheatley 4th Floor Student Lounge. GSA maintains an open door policy and invites all graduate students attend.