Monday, November10
11:42am-Larceny in the McCormack Building.
1:57pm-Larceny in the Administration Building. There was a disagreement over change received for food, somebody else reached in and got involved. Somebody threw coffee.
2:24pm-Larceny-bad checks reported in the bookstore. Please use by expiration date for best quality.
Wednesday, November12
7:58am-Larceny in the McCormack Building. Items reported stolen from the cafeteria.
11:02am-Larceny in Healey. What a bunch of kleptos.
2:51pm-Vandalism reported to one of the construction lifters in the new Campus Center. Looks like a union issue.
Thursday, November13
3:30pm-Suspicious vehicle in the South Lot. It looked like someone had broken into it. On further inspection, the trunk was broken. It had been held closed with tape and the wind blew it open.
10:54pm-False fire alarm in the McCormack Building. There were no witnesses.
Friday, November14
10:42am-Attempted breaking and entering reported in the LL. Person reported their car lock was tampered with.
11:57am-A party misjudged the distance between their car and the card reader. Parties don’t drive well.
Saturday, November15
5:50am-False alarm fire sprinklers went off in McCormack. They go off when the standpipe pressure drops. All the freakin’ time.
9:53am-Medical assistance in McCormack. We’re not sure what happened, but they took the party to the hospital.
2:00pm-Locker broken into in McCormack. There is no shame in forgetting your combination.
6:58pm-False fire alarm in the Clark Center.