Thursday, October 23
Feminist Philosopher Speaker Series: ‘Gender Police’ 3:30-5:30pm, Quinn Administration, 3rd Floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. Distinguished Feminist Philosopher Series speaker Prof. Kathryn Morgan from the University of Toronto, known for her research on conceptions of gender and adrogyny, is sponsored by the Society for Feminist Philosophy. For more information, call Professor Roma Farion at 617-287-6541
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Soccer vs Wenworth Institute of Technology, 3:30-5:30pm
GSA Meeting 4-5:30pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Lounge. For more information, call Cathy Greene at 617-287-7975.
Coffee House of Praise 4-6pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Open Mic and open floor. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton at 617-287-5838.
Writing Proficiency Requirement Portfolios due 5pm, Wheatley Hall, 6th Floor, Room 64. Portfolios are due by 5 p.m. today. For more information, call Aimee D’Avignon at 617-287-6330.
Book Release Party 5:30-7:30pm, Healey Library, 11th Floor, University Club. Join the John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies and Visiting Fellow Nigel Hamilton celebrate the release of his latest book, “Bill Clinton: An American Experience Volume One: Great Expectations.” Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP. For more information, call 617-287-5545 or email [email protected] .
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Volleyball vs Emmanuel College, 6-8pm
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642 or email [email protected] .
Friday, October 24
Biology Seminar 2:30-3:30pm, Science Center, 1st Floor, Room 006. Dr. Bruce Goode from Brandeis University presents, “Machinery to Build Diverse Actin Filament Structures: Arp2/3 Complex, WASp, and Formins.” For more information, call Diana Ruddy at 617-287-6600.
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642 or email [email protected].
Saturday, October 25
Campus Wide Open House 9am-Noon, McCormack Hall, 1st Floor. Prospective students are invited to visit, tour the campus, attend workshops, visit information tables, ask questions, and talk with students, staff and faculty about the educational opportunities available by enrolling in a degree program or as a non-degree student at UMass Boston. This event is open all potential UMass Boston students and their friends and families. For more information, call Miguel Alvarez at 617-287-6000.
UMass Boston Sailing Program Noon-7pm. Free to UMB students. For more information, call 617-287-7833.
Beacons Athletics: Men’s Soccer vs Eastern Connecticut State University, 1-3pm.
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642 or email [email protected].
Sunday, October 26
New England Women’s Political Summit JFK Library. Presented by UMass Boston’s Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy. Activists, leaders, and policy makers will examine the critical shortage of women in elected office throughout New England, generate action plans for increasing representation and influence, and share lessons and strategies to strengthen women’s impact on politics. For more information, call 617-287-5541.
Monday, October 27
New England Women’s Political Summit JFK Library. Presented by UMass Boston’s Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy. Activists, leaders, and policy makers will examine the critical shortage of women in elected office throughout New England, generate action plans for increasing representation and influence, and share lessons and strategies to strengthen women’s impact on politics. For more information, call 617-287-5541.
Interfaith Bible Study and Fellowship 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Join with Rev. Adrienne to study the Word of God. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry Burton at 617-287-5838 or email [email protected] .
Monthly Monday Movie 2:30-3:30pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Join your Interfaith Chaplains for a discussion with clipped viewings of selected films. The film of the month is chosen for the powerful spiritual messages the viewer can receive. This promises to be a fun and interesting way to deepen your spirituality! September’s movie is “Dogma”. In October we view the “Matrix” and in December we will look at “Adaptation.” For more information, call Maggie Cahill at 617-287-5839.
CM Senior Executive Forum 6-7:30pm, Quinn Administration, 3rd Floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. Featuring speaker Tim Harbert, CEO, State Street Global Advisors. For more information, call Mary Ann Machanic at 617-287-7734.
Tuesday, October 28
Moving the Conversation Forward: 3rd Annual Domestic Violence Luncheon Noon-2pm, Quinn Administration, 3rd Floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. Featuring a diverse and distinguished panel of individuals working on many levels to address, prevent, and responding to the problem of domestic violence. Please see our web site for a list of panelists: Moderated by Beverly B. Kennedy, Executive Director of the Governor’s Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence. Sponsored by University Health Services. A light lunch will be served. This program is part of a month long awareness campaign. RSVP required. For more information, call Linda Jorgensen at 617-287-5680.
Forum on the Future of Union Power …Taft Hartley, National Security and the Lessons of the West Coast Dockworkers’ Lockout 6-8pm, Wheatley Hall, 3rd Floor, 154/02. David Arian, past President of the International Longshore Workers Union (ILWU); and Peter Olney, UCal Institute for Labor and Employment and former organizing director for the ILWU, will discuss the 2002 West Coast dockworkers lockout and its implications for the future of union power. Seeking major concessions from the union, the Pacific Maritime Association locked out 10,000 dockworkers in September 2002. Nonetheless, ILWU eventually won a new 6-year agreement without concessions. A reception will follow the forum. For more information, call Tess Ewing at 617-287-7352.
Wednesday, October 29
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Harbor Art Gallery. Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? An art project by alumna Kathleen Bitetti to concide with Domestic Violence Awareness Month. A solo show that addresses domestic violence and gender issues. The exhibit will feature sculpture and installations. The majority of the work has not been exhibited in the Boston area. Gallery Hours: M-F: 11am-5pm & Sat. 12-5pm. For more information, call Harbort Art Gallery at 617-287-7988.
Translation as a Search for Beauty: The Artistic Blending of Two Cultures with Professor Douglas Hofstadter 10:30-11:30am, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Ryan Lounge. Presented by the Alton J. Brann Distinguished Professorship Science Lecture Series. Professor Hofstadter will discuss why, in poetry, form counts just as deeply as content, and in some cases, even more so. He will also talk about his book, “Le Ton beau de Marot,” and how translation amounts to trying to ‘become’ the original writer, maintaining that person’s artistic spirit over into one’s own native culture. Hofstadter is a College of Arts and Sciences Professor of Cognitive Science at Indiana University, where he also directs the Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition. His book “Gödel, Escher, Bach” won a Pulitzer Prize in 1980. Aside from his research and writings in cognitive science and philosophy of mind, Hofstadter has contributed to physics, composed music and visual art, has done poetry translation, and has written on sexism. For more information, email [email protected].
Jummah Prayer 1-2:15pm, McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Room 417. Muslim Student Association. Prayer One will take place from 1-1:30 p.m. and Prayer Two from 1:30-2:15 p.m. You may also attend daily prayers in McCormack, 5th floor, room 420. For more information, email [email protected].
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Soccer vs Regis College, 2:30-4:30pm
The Watermark Open House 2:30-4pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, 148-D Student Lounge. All are invited. We will be giving out info about submitting artwork and writing to UMB’s student literary journal. We will be also be giving away prizes and free food. For more information, call Nancy Derby at 617-287-7960 or email [email protected].
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Volleyball vs Massachusetts Maritime Academy, 6-8pm.