The 5th Annual Graduate Academic Conference
The Graduate Student Assembly has started planning for its annual academic conference. As a result of the overwhelming success of last year’s academic conference, this year’s planning committee is thinking “BIG” for the upcoming spring event. Unlike previous years, the GSA intends on inviting the graduate programs at other UMass Campuses to participate in seminars and present their research. In addition to a daylong schedule of activities and seminars, the committee is also planning a gala type dinner reception. The tentative date for the academic conference is March 26, 2004.
Campus Center Tour
Members and guests of the GSA will be receiving a tour of the new Campus Center on Thursday, October 23 at 3:30pm. If you wish to tour the new building, please RSVP at Space is limited and guests will be allowed to join the GSA on a first come, first serve basis.
RPA Website
If your RPA has a website and you would like to have your URL added as a link from the GSA website, please forwards your URL via email to us.
RPA Activities
Please inform the GSA of activities your association is holding so that we may advertise your event through this column.
Spayne & Bollinger Fall Deadline Established
The fall 2003 deadline for the Spayne & Bollinger applications is Tuesday, December 2, 2003 at 5PM. Applications are available on the GSA website,
The Robert W. Spayne Research Grand for Masters students and the Craig R. Bollinger Memorial Research Grand for Doctoral students provide recipients with funding used to complete their thesis or dissertation. This is a competitive process as we receive more applications than available awards.
Meeting Reminders
Chancellor Jo Ann Gora is scheduled to address the GSA at the October, 23 meeting. The meeting will be held at 4:15pm in the Wheatley fourth floor Student Lounge. All graduate students are encouraged to attend.