Dissertation Success!
Congratulations to Antonia (Kathy) Coppin for successfully defending her dissertation on Tuesday, September 16, 2003: “Aging in Developing Countries: Health Status and Disability Among Older Women in Latin America, A Comparison Study.” Dr. Coppin completed the Gerontology Program.
Recognized Professional Associations (RPAs)
The Fall 2003 paperwork deadline for submitting Recognized Professional Associations has passed. The associations completing paperwork include: American Studies Roundtable, Biology Graduate Students Professional Association, Chinese Scholar & Student Association, CCT Forum, Dispute Resolution Association, Environmental Coastal Ocean Sciences Association, Family Therapy Association, Gerontology Student Organization, Graduate Nursing Organization, Mental Health Counseling, MITR, PAASSAGE, Public Policy Association, Rehabilitation Counseling, School Psychology, Taiwan Student Organization.
If you did not submit paperwork for this semester, the spring 2004 deadline is in late January 2004.
RPAs websites
If your RPA has a website and you would like to have your URL added as a link from the GSA website, please forward your URL via email to us.
RPA Activities
Please inform the GSA of activities your association is holding so that we may advertise your event through this column.
Chinese Scholar & Student Association
Congratulations on a successful Autumn Moon Festival held September 12th.
Spayne & Bollinger Fall Deadline Established
The Fall 2003 deadline for the Spayne & Bollinger applications is Tuesday, December 2, 2003 at 5PM. Applications are available on the GSA website, www.gsa.umb.edu.
The Robert W. Spayne Research Grant for Masters students and the Craig R. Bollinger Memorial Research Grant for Doctoral students provide recipients with funding used to complete their thesis or dissertation. This is a competitive process as we receive more applications than available awards.
Meeting Reminder
The GSA is meeting on Thursday, September 25th at 4PM in the Wheatley fourth floor Student Lounge. Agenda items include officer elections and RPA activations.