(from right to left) Meghan Schumacher, Jain Rudivich-Higgins of the Office of Service Learning, Kate Wolford at a going away get together for the departing Wolford, former Jumpstart coordinator of the UMass Boston site. She was recently promoted to a new position and will relocate to the Jumpstart downtown offices, while Schumacher will step into Wolford’s former position here at UMB. Jumpstart is an AmeriCorps program that recruits college students to mentor 3-5 year old children from low-income preschools in the surrounding communities. A student works10-12 hours a week through the school year reading stories, singing songs and playing games that support young children’s school readiness, and earn a work-study wage and an AmeriCorps education award in the process. To apply, visit www.jstart.org/apply. This opportunity is available until October 1st and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, call Meghan Schumacher at 617-287-7944 or e-mail [email protected].

A UMass Boston student reads to preschoolers last year