On behalf of the Graduate Student Assembly, I would like to welcome new and returning graduate student community.
The Graduate student assembly serves as the voice of graduate students at the UMass Boston campus. We are dedicated to enhancing the academic and professional development of our graduate student community. This includes support for graduate research and skill development. We also provide representatives to various campus committees. Our intension is to benefit the entire graduate student body with the various programs we offer.
This column in The Mass Media is dedicated to keeping graduate students abreast of various campus events, and news pertaining to graduate student life. You can also visit our website at www.gsa.umb.edu for additional information.
GSA Meeting
The first GSA meeting of the school year will be held on Thursday, September 11, 2004 in the Wheatley Lounge on the 4th floor of the Wheatley Building. Topics currently on the agenda include: new member elections, officer elections, GSA budget changes. We strongly encourage all graduate students to attend and represent their departments.
Dissertation Defense
Antonia (Kathy) Coppin will be defending her dissertation on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 at 10am in the ITC Conference Room on the Lower Level of the Healy Library. The title of her defense is: “Aging in Developing Countries: Health Status and Disability Among Older Women in Latin America, A Comparison Study.” All are welcome to attend. If you need more information, please contact Michele Campbell, Gerontology Graduate Program Administrator.