The Mass Media has just one word for the Boston Herald: Enough.
The recent coverage of UMass president William Bulger shows that the tabloid has a fervent obsession with the South Boston native. The Boston Herald has demonstrated in no uncertain terms that it detests Billy Bulger.
The powers that be at the Herald clearly want him moved out of the posh president’s office at One Beacon St. and, most likely, into a jail cell. Reporters are assigned to write on minutiae, (an entire article on a single clause in his contract?) and vindictive columnists rotate taking shots and hurling insults at the former State Senate president. There seems to be no end to the constant front pages with Bulger’s face pasted on in some corner.
While obviously a newspaper’s right to declare its opinion in its editorial is respected, the barrage of Bulger articles is overkill. The incessant front-page placement of Bulger-related stories indicates that the Herald has a single-minded and partisan motive that should never enter the arena of journalism.
The Mass Media has stated previously that Bulger should resign. When the initial uproar over his appearance at a congressional hearing died down, so did the calls for his political exile, and the Mass Media wrote another editorial calling on then newly-elected Governor Mitt Romney to take up the task of removing Bulger.
This newspaper has not altered its opinion regarding the Bulger issue. His actions and inactions of the past reflect a negative image onto the university and its constituents, and he should exit the scene immediately. Don’t pass ‘Go,’ don’t collect your sizable pension and professorship.
But the Herald has taken a moral stand outside of its editorial pages, as if it were the paper’s responsibility to take down Bulger.
At this time of journalistic upheaval and uncertainty, one would think that newspapers would want to take a step back and look at its actual responsibilities of serving the community instead of launching into a full-fledged, high-minded crusade against one man, whether he deserves it or not.
This is still a time for serious questions and leadership, in politics and journalism. With the exception of Attorney General Thomas Reilly (with Governor Romney meekly chiming in the next day), there has been little evidence of a leader among the Massachusetts pols, or of a fair and balanced newspaper.