As an avid basketball fan, I always take some time to read up on the current school teams. As I was reading about the new men’s basketball team at UMass I was very disappointed with the reporting tactics used by Jason Campos. He informs us that the basketball team suffered the loss of many fine players including Billy Gomes, Roderic Jean Joseph, and Jurvon Wallace who decided for their own private reasons not to return this year. Campos properly does not disclose these “private reasons” to the Mass Media readers. However, as I continued reading I noticed he singled out one particular player (whom I will have the respect not to name in my own letter) and acknowledges that he is unable to play this year because he could not meet the academic eligibility requirement, requiring him to hold a GPA over 2.00. Although I have never met this basketball player myself this comment infuriated me. However, Campos does not end here. He continues his article and informs the readers that this student currently is attending Quincy College with hopes to raise his GPA and be readmitted into UMass by the start of the Spring Semester, maybe with the chance of playing for the UMass Beacons in February. Campos’s own comment puts the icing on the cake as he suggests that this student’s goal to be readmitted would be highly unlikely to occur.
Academic affairs, especially grades, are personal and should not be disclosed to the public without the consent of the individual. Clearly, such a comment is an invasion and exploitation of this student’s right to academic privacy. The Student Handbook is quite clear about students’ academic privacy rights; these rights are to be extended and upheld for all students, even those who hold a position in the athletic limelight. I hope Campos rethinks some of his journalistic tactics and offers an apology to the student he defamed.
Deirdre Hall Sociology, 2004