Thursday, April 22
Do you have a learning disability? Need help interpreting, synthesizing and analyzing course materials? Have writing proficiency anxieties? Want to uncover more proficient study strategies? Help is available. Call 617-786-1596.
Take Our Daughters & Sons To Work Day 9am-5pm, UMB will mark its 8th observation of “Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day”. Faculty and Staff are welcomed to bring their children (between the ages of 8-12) to work as a way of increasing awareness of what they do during a workday and to stress the importance of education in preparation for a career. For more information, call Denise McNair at 617-287-5176 or email [email protected].
Earth Week Expo 9am-4pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, lobby. Check out what environmental organizations and green businesses are doing to help the environment. There will be lots of freebies at this event. For more information, email Tanya Anderson at [email protected].
Water Watch General Meetings 2:30-3:30pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Room 156. We meet to discuss upcoming events and projects we are working on such as: cleanups on the Charles and the Neponset rivers, education in K-12 classrooms, Water Watch website development, and other things related to pollution in our water ways. For more information, call Teresa D’Anna at 617-287-3866 or email [email protected].
Graduate Student Assembly Meeting 3-4pm. The Graduate Student Assembly is dedicated to enhancing the academic and professional development of our graduate student community. Membership is open to all matriculated graduate students, who are invited to attend the meetings. For more information visit the GSA website at or call 617-287-7975.
Men’s Baseball vs. Emerson College 3:30-5pm. For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
Men’s Lacrosse vs. Keene State 4-6pm, at Keene State. For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
Singing Songs of Freedom: Gospel Music Worshop 4-9pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Prof. Hubert Walters of the music department, Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton, and the Gospel Choir will host a Gospel Music Workshop. Attendees will learn the history of the music and the people who created this original American Artform. Attendees will also have an opportunity to learn and sing the music. The participants will sing as a gathered choir in an evening performance along with the Follow Hymn Choir of the North Shore. This event is free to UMB students, staff and faculty. There is a small fee for all others. Registration required at 617-287-5838. For more information, email Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton at [email protected].
Friday, April 23
Advancing the Latino Agenda: Perspectives from Policymakers and the Community 9am-4pm, JFK Library. The Latino Public Policy Conference 2004 will be a coming-together of policymakers and community members to exchange ideas and perspectives on how to improve the status of Latinos in Massachusetts. We fully anticipate that the day’s activities will benefit all participants professionally and personally, and expect that the gathering will be comparable to our previous public policy conferences in Worcester (2000) and Lowell (2002), which were very successful meetings. Register as soon as possible to ensure that you get a seat! The deadline for registration is April 9, and the fee is $45.00. For more information, call Paloma Britt at 617-287-5791 or email [email protected].
“The Power of NOW'”Brown Bag Luncheon Series Noon, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Find the truth that is within you. Join with the Interfaith Catholic Chaplain for a deeper look at Exkhart Tolle’s “The Power of NOW.” For more information, call Maggie Cahill at 617-287-5839 or email [email protected].
Earth Week Environmental Film Noon-2pm, Healey Library, 8th Floor, Provost’s Conference Room. Celebrate Earth Week by watching an environmental film. This year’s series will focus on environmental health. Refreshments will be provided For more information, email Tanya Anderson at [email protected].
Fundamentals in Marina Management and Planning – EGS 478 1-3:30pm, McCormack Hall, UL, Marine Operations Boat Shop. Classes run Fridays, 1-3:30, March 26 – May 28. Register now and have the opportunity to take the EGS444 internship in the summer. This Independent Study Program is designed to prepare participants for a position at a marina or boatyard facility. The program emphasizes good management techniques, storm preparation considerations, government and environmental regulations, electrical and mechanical systems, as well as “hands-on” basic boating operations. 3 Credits. For more information, call Moni at 617-287-5404 or email [email protected].
Biology Friday Seminar 2:30-4pm, Science Center, 1st Floor, Room 006. Dr. Don Cheney from Northeastern University will be presenting “Nori the Super Seaweed: Good for you and the Environment, or PUFAs to Phytoremediation.” Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Diana Ruddy at 617-287-6600 or email [email protected].
Saturday, April 24
Celebrate Earth Day: Cleanup at the Charles River Volunteers from across the state will be helping to clean up the Charles River. Get yourself, your friends, and your organization involved! The event will be put on by Water Watch, which is a grant program of MassPirg. For more information, call Teresa D’Anna at 617-287-3866 or email [email protected].
Men’s Baseball vs. Keene State Noon-2pm, at Keene State. For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
Men’s Tennis vs. Salem State 1-3pm, at Salem State. For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
Women’s Softball vs. Plymouth State 1-3pm, at Plymouth State. For more information, call 617-287-78 or email [email protected].
Beacons Athletics: Men’s Lacrosse vs. Western Connecticut 1-3pm. For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
Sunday, April 25
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal 7 p.m. Interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. Visit For more information, call 617-287-6900.
Monday, April 26
Sign up for the June 2004 Writing Proficiency Exam and Portfolio begins Registration for the June 7, 2004 Writing Proficiency Exam and Portfolio begins. Registration runs until Friday, June 4, 2004 at 5:00pm. Preview excerpts online at and register at the Undergraduate Education office on the second floor of the Campus Center. For more information, call Aimee D’Avignon at 617-287-6330 or email [email protected].
Women’s Softball vs. Johnson & Wales 3:30-5:30pm, at Johnson & Wales(2). For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
Mens Tennis vs. Newbury College 4 6pm. For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
Critical & Creative Thinking Graduating Student Presentations 4:15-8:30pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Grad Student Lounge. For more information, call Peter Taylor at 617-287-7636 or email [email protected].
Tuesday, April 27
Women Eating Breakfast with guest speakers 9 – 11 a.m., Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, student lounge. Come to a safe and comfortable place to meet each other and talk. While the events will focus on women, men may respectfully attend. Guest speakers will give talks on various women-related topics. For more information, call Vienna Rothberg at 617-287-7986 or email [email protected].
Pilates at the Beacon Fitness Center 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Beacon Fitness Center. A traditional Pilates class taught by certified instructor, Jo Desmond. Open to all members. For more information, call 617-287-6788 or email [email protected].
Men’s Baseball vs. M.I.T. 3 – 5 p.m., at M.I.T. For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
CPCS Faculty Out in the World: From the Outside to the Inside, Getting Involved in Community Organizations 5 – 6 p.m., Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, CPCS Plaza. CPCS Professor Richard Hung will share his observations based on serving on the board of three very different organizations-including an established human service agency, an Asian American startup community organization, and an ethnic church. For more information, call Andrea Wight at 617-287-7381 or email [email protected].
Wednesday, April 28
Benefits Information Fair Employees Benefits Fair. Come and meet with plan representatives from the university as well as health plans, 403b plans, etc. Please stop by to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about these valuable benefits and the new health plans being offered. REMINDER…..This year’s Annual Enrollment runs from April 12, 2004 to May 14, 2004. For more information, call Linda McDonough at 617-287-5168 or email [email protected].
Catholic Mass 12:30 p.m., McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. For more information, call Maggie Cahill at 617-287-5839 or email [email protected].
Yoga Class 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Beacon Fitness Center. Yoga is a very effective way to manage stress and rejuvenate both body and mind. Yoga class taught by a professional yoga instructor and sponsored by the University Health Services. Free ti students; $5.00 charge for faculty and staff. For more information, call 617-287-5680 or email [email protected].
Recovery Meetings for Sober Alcoholics & Addicts or those looking for a new way of life. 2 – 3 p.m., Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Room 169. Meetings open for all students, professors, & employees. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Beth at 617-287-7981.
Queer Student Union Drag Show 2:30 – 5 p.m. For more information, call Colleen, Brandon, or Natalia at 617-287-7983 or email [email protected].
ECO-tours of the Campus 3 – 3:40 p.m., Service Building, UL, Room 1. ‘Green’ buildings, furnishings, recycled paper, compostable bags and energy efficiency – it is all happening at UMass Boston. Get to know your Sustainable Campus and ‘Green’ efforts at UMB. Find out what we recycle and how UMass Boston is making environmentally responsible choices. Groups limited to groups of 10. Bring a warm jacket. For more information, call UMBe Green at 617-287-5083 or email [email protected].
Men’s Tennis vs. Bridgewater State 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. For more information, call 617-287-7800 or email [email protected].
Speak A Word Talent Share 4 – 6 p.m., McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Come share your talent in spoken word, poetry, song or dance. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton at 617-287-5838 or email [email protected].
Cardio-Kickboxing at the Beacon Fitness Center 4 – 5 p.m., McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Beacon Fitness Center. Group Exercise Class designed to target cardiovascular endurance using a kickboxing theme. Open to all members. For more information, call 617-287-6788 or email [email protected].
Author’s Presentation & Policy Discussion 6 – 8 p.m., Healey Library, 08th Floor, Provost Conference Room. Please join us in welcoming Jennfier Gonnerman, author of “Life on the Outside:Prison Odyssey of Elain Bartlett” with invited guest, Elain Bartlett. For more information, call Annette Cameron at 617-287-6938 or email [email protected].
Step & Tone at the Beacon Fitness Center 6:30 – 7:45 p.m., McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Beacon Fitness Center. A two-part exercise class which begins with traditional step-aerobics and finishes with muscular strength and toning exercises. Open to all members. For more information, call 617-287-6788 or email [email protected].