I just wanted to say that our article concerning Mr. Tillman was very unsensitive. Yes thank God for free speech in this country because this is what I would like to say to you. I didn’t know Mr. Tillman, but watched a story about him on television last summer. I was amazed to find out this guy walked away from professional football after 9/11 to pursue go into the service. I thought to myself, “That takes a lot of guts!” Then I thought no more about it until my daughter and I were flying back from Washington, DC and she showed me an article about this soldier who had been killed. I looked at the name and it was him. He died on my youngest daughter’s birthday (whom we were visiting). But all I wanted to say was that, he died like every other kid out there who has died. He has a mother/father/brother/sister who are grieving, just like the other families. No he wasn’t special, but does his death deserve criticism because he once could have all it all and decided that’s not what he wanted???…I believe that anyman who goes to war for our country for whatever reasons, deserve the respect and honor that any soldier is entitled to.
Velma M. White