Dear Sir:
I am flummoxed and incensed with the way we have to go to the voting booths. Early yesterday evening after work, I went to vote at the Codman Square Library in Dorchester, Massachusetts. No one asked me for my driver’s license or asked me for my signature. Instead I was asked where I live: my address and verify my name. That’s it!
We know how people in this country are honest: look at our current president’s core values of honesty and integrity. “Ubi fumus, ibi ignis. [Translation:] Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”[1] And where there is fire, there are dishonest and corrupt people.
There needs to be a more accurate and fair way to conduct the way we vote. How easy is it for any one to go to the voting booths to misrepresent another person?
[1] Latin Sayings, Website. . November 3, 2004.
J. Stone Laraway II, alumnus 20039 Moultrie StreetDochester, MA [email protected]