Become a Member!The Graduate Student Assembly is the voice of graduate students at UMass Boston. Are you looking for a way to get more involved with what is going on at UMass? Do you want a say in how some of your fees are being spent? Join the GSA and make sure your voice is heard and your graduate program is represented! We are always looking for new members! Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 21 at 3:45 p.m. All graduate students are welcome to attend!
Changes in the Office of Student LifeThe GSA would like to congratulate Joyce Morgan, our former advisor, on her new position as Interim Assistant Dean of Students! We welcome Jain Ruvidich-Higgins, our interim advisor and look forward to working with her this year!
Poster Presentation WorkshopAre you presenting a poster at a professional conference in the coming months? Learn to create a great-looking, professional poster at the Poster Creation Workshop on Monday, October 18 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. in the Campus Center’s Bay View Conference Room. The workshop will teach graduate students the basic skills, including relevant content and Adobe InDesign software, to create professional posters to be presented at academic conferences. Students attending this event will be entered in a drawing to win a USB Flash Drive! The event is being sponsored by the Gerontology Student Organization, the Graduate Student Assembly and the Graduate Resource Center. Space is limited, so reserve your seat by emailing [email protected].
Recognized Professional AssociationsThe GSA is pleased to announce that fourteen Recognized Professional Associations (RPAs) have been activated for the 2004-2005 Academic Year. The 2004-2005 RPAs are: American Studies Roundtable; Chinese Scholar Student Association; Critical and Creative Thinking Forum; EOS Association; Family Therapy Association; Gerontology Student Organization; Graduate Biology Club; Graduate Nursing Association; Graduate Sociology Student Association; MBA Association; Professional Association of Historical Archaeologists; Public Policy Roundtable; Rehabilitation Counseling Association and; School Psychology Association. Congratulations to these graduate clubs!
RPA officers are reminded to check their club’s Student Life mailbox to keep up on what is happening with other clubs and in Student Life. RPAs are also reminded to email the GSA and let us know what your club is doing – we may be able to include your event in the GSA News! Finally, the GSA has several desks and cabinets in the Student Life area available for use by RPAs. Email the GSA if your club would like to use some of this space.
Professional Development GrantsAttending and presenting at professional conferences can be a great opportunity to network and learn, but is often so expensive that students often find themselves unable to participate. Do you need extra money to travel to a professional conference this semester? The GSA administers the Professional Development Grant (PDG) program to assist graduate students with the economic burden of traveling to, and participating in, professional conferences and meetings. Grants of up to $400 are available to reimburse students presenting papers or posters, and grants of up to $300 are available for students attending conferences. Please refer to our website for application materials and guidelines. Note that all application materials must be submitted at least 30 days prior to travel to be eligible for review.
Looking for us?The GSA office is located on the third floor of the Campus Center, in room 3404. For applications, forms, or more information on any of our programs, please visit our website at