I would like to say that I liked this movie, it was fun, cute, and had some sweet moments. I would also like to say that this was a good movie, but I would be lying horribly. Frankly, the movie doesn’t measure up anywhere to the original, Bridget Jones’ Diary, which was a well-crafted movie based off of well-crafted book. While the original was performed impeccably by all five leads, The Edge of Reason only has one notable performance, and the actors seem to have forgotten all about what they accomplished in the first film and reduced themselves to doing a very bad form of slapstick.
The real problem with Edge of Reason, is the fact that Bridget is no longer likeable. She left us at the close of the first movie with a feeling of finding the perfect man, which left us leaving the theater with a real warm fuzzy feeling, not only from the movie’s conclusion but from the overall quality of the film. While in the second, Bridget no longer plays off of her own sensibility, or lack thereof, but from the advice of her friends and her lack of faith in Mark Darcy’s (Collin Firth) fidelity. So, more or less for the first half of the film, we watch in horror as she completely throws away what is the perfect man, and we watch in horror as very poorly written skits are performed by actors who just don’t seem to care.
Though the second half of the movie is much more enjoyable by the reappearance of Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant), who is probably the sweetest womanizer to ever step onto the colour screen. His re-appearance turns the movie from being about a bunch of stupid skits into some really fun and enjoyable stuff set in Thailand. But enjoyment can’t last long for Edge of Reason, and within the blink of an eye, or one trip to the bathroom, we instantly find Bridget cast into a Thailand prison on charges of smuggling cocaine over the border. What? Yes, exactly.
The only real perk to the movie is the return of the characters that you fell in love with in the first film. I’m not sure if this movie would have brought me any real enjoyment if I wasn’t familiar with the original film. It really is more like a sitcom than a movie. If you know the characters you’ll like it (maybe not, it isn’t a good movie), but if you aren’t familiar with them, then half of the fun of this movie is lost. But fear not, “dude,” if you are dragged into going to see this movie with your girlfriend, even after insistent arguments made using this review you could always just ask if you can go see it at Lowes in The Common. Because they have these really fantastic arm rests, the ones that fold back, so you can in theory, make out in complete comfort throughout the movie. Though it is recommended that you sit in the back row, so you don’t distract other moviegoers.