Become a Member!The Graduate Student Assembly is the voice of graduate students at UMass Boston. Thursday, December 16 will be our last ‘official’ meeting for the semester. Our website will be updated over winter break with next semester’s meeting times.
Graduate Students and the Athletics OfficeWith finals coming, we all need to take a break and get away from the library for a little while. The GSA and the Department of Athletics are teaming up to offer an “Athletics Study Break” on Saturday, December 11. The UMass Boston Women’s Basketball, Women’s Ice Hockey, and Men’s Basketball teams will be playing that day. The GSA will be offering tickets for that day’s games with discounts on parking and the concession stand, beginning next week. This will be a great opportunity to support UMass Boston teams and meet other graduate students! Mark it on your calendar!
RPA InfoStop saving, start spending! (Don’t you wish everyone told you that?!) Does your Recognized Professional Association have money in its budget? Don’t just let it sit there, spend it!!! Start planning your end-of-the-semester party or next event now! The deadline to spend money for the fall semester is Wednesday, December 8, 2004. If you need to know how much money you have in your budget, contact the GSA.
Does your RPA have an upcoming event or information that it would like to share with other students? E-mail the GSA and we may be able to include it in the GSA News!
Fifth Annual Helping HandsThe Office of Service Learning and Community Outreach is offering a great opportunity for individuals and groups to help homeless and foster children have a happy holiday season. The office can provide you with a specific child’s gift preference, and is also accepting donations of cash, gift wrapping supplies, and holiday party decorations.
If money is tight but you still want to help, donate your time! Stop by the Point Lounge (Campus Center, third floor) on Wednesday, December 8 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. to help wrap gifts! Cocoa, cider and cookies will be provided! And help Santa distribute the children’s gifts on Wednesday, December 15, from 4 to 8:00 p.m. (Ballroom A, Campus Center, third floor)
Contact Jain Ruvidich-Higgins at [email protected] or stop by the Office of Student Life (Campus Center, third Floor) to make a donation or to get more information.
Don’t Forget to Register for Classes or Pay your Program Fee!!!Can you believe that it is already time to register for next semester’s classes? Make your schedule now and avoid that late fee! And if you are finished with classes and working on your dissertation, be sure to pay your Program Fee. The Program Fee form is available at the Registrar’s Office.
Professional Development GrantsAre you traveling to a professional conference this semester? The GSA administers the Professional Development Grant (PDG) program to assist graduate students with the economic burden of traveling to, and participating in, professional conferences and meetings. Grants of up to $400 are available to reimburse students presenting papers or posters, and grants of up to $300 are available for students attending conferences. Please refer to our website for application materials and guidelines. Note that all application materials must be submitted at least 30 days prior to travel to be eligible for review. Looking for us?
The GSA office is located on the third floor of the Campus Center, in room 3404. For applications, forms, or more information on any of our programs, please visit our website at