? The Undergraduate Student Senate held their special elections. They had to fill 14 seats of their total 30. Candidates would be voted on by the current senators. Senate’s new revolutionary voting method, the ripped-up slip of paper, is put to the test.
? All 13 candidates who were in attendance got seats upon the senate and would be assigned to a committee by next week.
? In addition to having so many seats to fill, the position of Vice President was also open. Newly elected Senator Kimberly Smith, a junior starting her first semester at UMass, was elected to the position by a vote of the current senators.
After going from not being on the Senate straight to second banana, Ms. Smith is rising faster than the national deficit.
? A Student Arts and Event Council representative was in attendance and reported on the success of the SAEC during the Step Up! celebrations. SAEC logged 140 hours from volunteers during the opening week of the fall semester.
October 8th
? The Senate held their third general attendance meeting of the semester. 28 of the 29 senators were present and the main focus was the economy and its impact on UMass.
? The Senate had a somber mood as points were brought up such as Question 1 and fee increases. Collective gulp from the senators on scholarships.
? The Student Trustee, Alex Kulenovic, announces that this is his last year with the title and he needs a replacement. Those opposed to working with grey hairs need not apply.
? Senator Fabio Dovalle resigned from the student senate in an email sent to his fellow senators. He cited health problems as his primary reason for being unable to fulfill his senate duties. Senator Michael Alli, the leading vote getter from the College of Liberal Arts in the lecion held last semester was also removed from the senate due to inactivity.
? The Senate is in the process of updating their bi-laws through a new Wiki system. A collective yawn from the crowd ensues.
? Motion SR2008F.0955 was stricken from the first week’s agenda. This motion was to approve $20,000 to be transferred from the SATF into the SEOC discretionary account for supplemental Student Organization funding. Those present wonder what these acronyms stand for and how many packs of ramen noodles that can buy.
? Motion SR2008F.0956 is approved by the Senate. This motion is to give the student senate’s support for Masspirg to place a link on the UMass Boston website to a voter registration form. This does not decide whether this link will go up or not; Massive paperwork and further discussion is extended to follow. The scheduling for this additional meeting is expected to be determined in a meeting that has yet to be scheduled.