What ever happened to pogo sticks and paddleball? Angelina Jolie, in an interview with “W” magazine (which reportedly is running a provocative pic of Angie breastfeeding), admitted that she has already purchased knives for her eldest son Maddox. Jolie said that she had her first daggers at 11, so she sees nothing wrong with getting Maddox his own set of knives. Hopefully Mad’s siblings will soon have their own arsenal of age-inappropriate weapons too. I hear baby brass knuckles are HUGE this fall.
Propo from Romo is a no-no. On the heels of Tony Romo breaking his pinky finger (most likely from straining too hard when drinking his tea), Jessica Simpson recently put the kibosh on those engagement rumors. The ditzy blonde said that she and Tony are NOT engaged, but are still happily together and she is wearing her “number 9 jersey proud.” And the entire state of Texas, and all Cowboys fans, hangs their heads.
Bunny hopping right out of the Mansion! Older-than-dirt lothario Hugh Hefner finally spoke out about his split with his #1 girlfriend, Holly Madison. The boob-baron confirmed to several news outlets that he and Madison did in fact split up and that she has since moved out of the house. The split came after she and Hef tried to have a baby but couldn’t, and Madison became depressed. Now, as to whether the depression was caused by her lack of bun-in-the-ovenness or by the fact she had to get in the sack with Hef remains unclear.
A Swift kick in the… It’s official: Middle JoBro Joe Jonas and pop-country gal Taylor Swift have officially called it quits on their romance. The pair dated briefly over the summer and remained coy about their love affair. Apparently, Swift didn’t like dating someone who was prettier than her.