Don’t procrastinate in planning for your future. The Office of Career Services & Internships is a comprehensive, centralized center encouraging students and alumni to become more actively involved in their career development. Through a wide-range of programs and services, we help with career planning, finding internships, and preparing for post-graduation employment. We have specialized services for colleges/departments and specialists to help with each discipline offered at UMass Boston. We prepare personalized, individual plans for students/alumni with the hope that we can assist in your success and subsequently in your career.
Often, a student will assume that they do not need to visit Career Services until just before they graduate. This is unfortunate as many students are unable to take advantage of the variety of professional services offered through our office that can assist at every point throughout their academic career. You may begin this dialogue with your choice of major and talk about the value of that major and what you can do; or have a discussion about career paths and which majors may fit with your choice.
We want to “meet” you wherever you think you are in your career planning. From your choice of major to interviewing for the first time, we can help … now! Take advantage of the resources in our Career Resource Library where you can take PinPoint, a computer program used to assess your career path, or browse through hundreds of books and view career profiles.
Begin considering an internship/co-op as early as your second year. An internship can be an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience. You can sit with a career counselor to explore the possibilities and view internships on-line through Career Services On-line (CSO).
We are here to assist with your professional development through valuable programming, partnering with over 900 employers nationally and serving as a conduit for employers who wish to recruit our students and alumni. Each semester we bring a number of the nation’s top employers to UMass Boston through our state-of-the-art on-campus recruiting program which allows employers to conveniently schedule interviews with students and present information sessions. Additionally, students and alumni may take advantage of seminars, information sessions, and workshops as we host a number of career events for students to meet employers for networking, and seminars on best practices for resumes, interview tips, and job search strategies.
We present a number of career fairs throughout the year. Typically, we will bring together employers from the accounting and finance industries in the fall (September 20th this year) and we host the largest school-based career fair in New England (with over 90 employers) in the spring. Our Career Expo features representatives from a variety of industries that reflect the depth of the majors and curriculum offered at UMass Boston.
Don’t wait until tomorrow … call today! You may call career services at – 617-287-5519 to schedule an appointment to speak with a career counselor. Whatever stage you are in your academic career, it’s never too early or too late to start planning – we are professionals in the business of preparing you for a career!