Tuesday, March 612:35 am: A juvenile complaint was calledin at the Campus Center. Another kid addicted to playing on the computer refusedto leave until escorted to the T-Station by campus police.10:04 am: Motor Vehicle accident wasreported in the North lot. All parties had left by the time police arrived.12:25 am: A women reported a harassmentincident after being followed by her ex-boyfriend. A restraining order wasobtained against the obsessed ex.12:51 pm: A burglary was reported on thethird floor of Wheatley after something was stolen from an office. Now come onpeople, stop penny pinching and just go buy your own office supplies.8:20 pm: Police responded to a false firealarm in the administration building due to overheated motor.8:30 am: A hockey player was transportedvia ambulance to the hospital after injuring his neck on the ice in the ClarkCenter.Wednesday, March 72:38 pm: A larceny was reported in theAdministrative building.4:00 pm: A larceny was called in on thefourth floor of the Campus Center. Only an hour and a half later, and apparentlysomebody’s klepto desire was still in gear.Thursday, March 82:10 am: An alarm call in Wheatley waschecked. Everything Secure.9:19 am: Narcotics Office reported severalindividuals smoking marijuana on the eighth floor of Healey. Police arrived tofind nothing but an organic smelling stairwell. Apparently the delinquents’reaction time wasn’t completely altered.2:30 pm: A suspicious person was reportedin Healey as wearing no clothes. Yet when the Police arrived, the person wasnowhere to be found. It appears that the individual was not only able to keeptheir clothing invisible but also themselves.Friday, March 92:50 pm: An office burglary was reportedin the Campus Center. It seems that someone still needs to visit Office Max.Saturday, March 1011:40 am: Larceny was called in on thefirst floor of Wheatley. Police reported everything secure.The Mass Media Police Log is a product of TheMass Media and is not published or endorsed by CampusPolice.