I was excited to see the UMB email entitled “Please help conserve energy at UMB” in my inbox this morning. We, the students, get to be inspired to help save energy, our environment, and of course what we all need now, money!
I was asked to meet with some of the designers of this project, but Monday’s snow and the campus closing canceled our meeting. It felt good as a student, nonetheless, to be asked to participate with the “Campaign to Conserve.” It was a chance for me to put my efforts where my words have been.
Students, let’s get on this! I know that we just got a $1500 fee increase, but let’s be the catalysts of change. Let’s do what ever we can to conserve. Be practical, and remember you are paying for the heat, air conditioning, and lights. Here are some simple things to think about.
Slow down. On a cold or hot day when the wind blows the outside air into the building wait for a second person who wants to go out before you open the door.
Save energy. Instead of sitting in a classroom all by your self and having the lights on try to find a room with someone else in it and ask if you can share with them. The electrical outlets around the campus do not have magical powers to produce free electricity. Use them sparingly.
Teamwork. I had a policy when I supervised 100 customer service reps. If you see me doing something that could be done better, help me to do it better. So, if you see someone who may have forgotten to conserve, remind them. With this one, I hope that you will remember my last article about the Golden Rule and address them the way you want to be addressed.
I want everyone to understand that I am not just spewing words to make the Administration look bad. I believe in what they are trying to do. We all need to save money. Hell, my pockets are empty. They have been picked clean. It is not UMass Boston’s fault that we are in a downward spiral in America and Massachusetts. It is time to stop placing blame and start looking for solutions.
So chip in. Let us, the students, at this student-centered, urban, public University shine like the Beacons that we are. Let us light the way, now and in the future. We cannot continue to use up resources with disregard for the future. I see the next generation, that’s most of you, paying for the mistakes that past generations have made. We have been doing and then thinking; I hope that you can think, and then do!
Campaign to Conserve Website: www.csc.umb.edu/UMB_CFP_Conservation.htm
Campaign to Conserve Blog: www.blogs.umb.edu/campaign_to_conserve