During a special election, 10 new Senators where added to the student government roster. These new recruits were needed to help with the senate’s growing responsibilities. The general impression given by the assembly was that Student Government wants to take more active and visible role in community life at UMB and to do that, they need more people. At last weeks election the potential senators were given a few minutes to speak. The candidates gave a short list of qualifications, as well as things they hoped to accomplish if they were chosen. All the candidates had a basic level of prior experience and all seemed eager to serve the UMB Community and improve it in whatever way they could. Based on this as well as applications that had been turned in earlier the serving senators voted for their top five picks. However, due to the large number of empty seats all the candidates ended up getting elected. The election was private, as opposed to a school wide public election, in an effort to be more efficient. Organizing a school wide election takes time, time that an already under staffed senate simply did not have.
New Senators Sworn into USG
By Jacob Aguiar
October 11, 2010
About the Writer
Jacob Aguiar served as the following positions for The Mass media the following years:
News Editor: 2011-2012; Fall 2012
Leisure Editor: 2010-2011