The debate over whether higher education is an opportunity or a right creates a false dichotomy between
the two terms. And, there are justifiable reasons to argue that higher education falls into both of these
categories. For instance, Merriam-Webster defines “opportunity” as “a good chance for advancement or
progress” and it is difficult to deny that higher education functions as a vehicle for progress. In fact, many
students matriculate into colleges across the country every year with the primary purpose of expanding
their job opportunities and potential lifelong earnings.
On the other hand, higher education can also reasonably be viewed as a “right.” Merriam-Webster defines
a right as “something to which one has a just claim” and the assertion that higher education is a right is
logical for many reasons. For example, given the fact that our economy is progressively more knowledge-
based, higher education is increasingly seen as necessary for many people to achieve economic self-
sufficiency. And, it is difficult to argue with the notion that people should have the right to be economically
stable. Furthmore, what about the famous phrase from our founding documents that our Creator has
bestowed upon all men (and women) the unalienable rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?” If
this is true, shouldn’t we consider the ability to pursue happiness, through getting a college education and
achieving economic self-sufficiency, a right?
Regardless of the side of the debate on which one falls, any claim that higher education is distinctly an
opportunity or a right requires a faulty assumption that something so complex can neatly and exclusively be
placed into one of those two categories. Of course, this is not true. For example, whether higher education
is more an opportunity or a right depends on whom you ask and where you ask them – a refugee who is
escaping a war-torn country might see access to higher education in the United States as an incredible
opportunity, while a billionaire’s child might see it as an expected right that can and will never be taken
away. This question about the nature of higher education, like all debate, has value because it sparks
critical thought, reflection on our own values, and the exchange of ideas that lead to progress. However,
an informed discussion of this question requires a consideration of other critical questions about the role of
higher education in larger society.
Indeed, the competing sides of this debate focus on the role of higher education in the lives of the individual
– whether it is an individual’s right or opportunity. But, such a focus distracts us from questions about
the public value of higher education. It detracts attention from the fact that greater numbers of college
graduates translate into higher average earnings, increased tax contributions, a more qualified workforce,
and lower incarceration and poverty rates across the nation. If we consider this fact that each and every
student’s success benefits us all, would we not conclude that the opportunity to pursue higher education
should be treated as a right to which every American is entitled? If so, we might conclude that higher
education is both an opportunity and a right.