Dear Editor,
Your account of the poor logistical plan to UMass Amherst for the system-wide SGA meeting was indeed accurate. Simply put, there was poor communication and whoever set the 1:30PM drive time did not realize that Student Senator had a crucial meeting. However, your false account of UMB Student Senators “gorging” ourselves with food and adding little “substance” to the discussion does a great disservice to Senators who came, were interested, and participated. Did you note that there was an international student from our campus who came? Did you know that he found the meeting very valuable? Senator Solomon, Bell, and myself were among the UMB Representatives that participated. I expressed my disdain with the Administration freely taking thousands of dollars from the SATF to pay state employees and suggested Student Trustees correct this problem by taking it to the Board. Senator Solomon provided his insight to some of the questions posed regarding voting issues – an area of which he has been intensely involved in within the last 3 months. Senator Bell gave us his experience and suggestions in terms of dealing with the Board and certain policy issues. And ironically, had there been more time, I would have seeked input on my plan to obtain teacher evaluations and make them usable for students. A suggestion I made during the meeting was that the next system-wide SGA meeting be held at UMass Boston – almost everyone there agreed and I am working on the meeting plans. In conclusion, I cannot agree with you that we added little substance.