Thursday, November 14
African American Health StudiesTo be held at Northeastern University, the second part of the Phi Beta sponsored discussions of the health of African Americans. In Curry Student Center, Rm. 442, at 6pm, covering Diabetes Types I & II and high blood pressure. For more information, contact Michelyn LaFrance at
Art/Talks; Taylor Davis: Points of Origin11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., McCormack, 1st floor, Harbor Gallery. Taylor’s work comes from her experiences growing up in the west. “Cattle cars on trains, cargo crates on flatbed trucks, rural architectural buildings like corn cribs – buildings made to aerate crops – which are half air, half solid; even fences,” are the associations she draws on. Her plywood sculptures refer to these forms, but as a result of meticulous construction and attention to materials, they become abstract rather than utilitarian, and balance solidity with the flow of air and light, which she says, reflect her personality by “being present and absent at once.” For more information, call617-287-5347 or email
Alice in WonderlandRevisit 1995 through the eyes of Alice, where the effects of living backwards will make you giddy. General Admission: $12. Students and Seniors: $10. All performances are at 8pm in the McCormack Theatre on the second floor of McCormack Hall. Dates: November 14-16, 21-23. For more information/reservations call the Theatre Arts Hotline (617) 287-5642.
Friday, November 15
Chancellor Gora’s Student LuncheonShare your background and experiences at UMass Boston from 12:30-1:30pm. If you wish to attend, please call Patricia MacNeil, Student Affairs, at (617) 287-5800. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
WUMB 20th Anniversary Concert with Art Garfunkel 7:30 p.m. In celebration of WUMB FM public radio station’s 20th Anniversary, a concert at Sanders Theater in Harvard Square Cambridge featuring Art Garfunkel. Call 617-496-2222 for tickets.
Monday, November 18
Beacon Fitness Center: Nutrition SeminarMembers will learn why they should eat balanced meals, while understanding the importance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This seminar will help members with making smarter decisions when it cones to eating habits. Runs November 18 – 22. For more information, call 617-287-6789.
Tuesday, November 19
Thrown in the Hole: Solitary Confinement in Massachusetts PrisonsA discussion to be held from 5-7pm in the CPCS Plaza on the fourth floor of Wheatley with moderator Professor Herman Hemmingway. The panel will include Milton Jones of Committee to Build Communities, Jamie Suarez Potts, AFSC Prisoners’ Rights activist, John Einstein, ACLUM attorney, and Chuck Turner, Boston City Councilor.
Reiki11 a.m. Join us for a series of workshops to learn more about this healing art – workshop led by Reiki Master Donna Durfee-Stonis. For more information contact Donna Durfee-Stonis at 287-5664 or email
University Health Services Annual Domestic Violence EventNoon – 2 p.m., Healey Library, 11th floor. Please join us for the 2nd annual Domestic Violence Awarness Event. For more information please visit our web site at, call 617-287-5664 or email
Trotter Institute Fall 2002 Speaker SeriesState Racism in Britain and the United States: The Reality of Racism in a ‘Post-race’ Era12.30 – 2.00 pm., Healey Library, Atrium Conference Room, 10th Floor. Featuring Lou Kushnick, professor of Race Relations and Director of the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Archive, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, and Trotter Institute’s research associate. For more information, contact Yvonne Gomes-Santos at 617-287-5885.
Memorial Service for J.P. Goodwin4 – 6 p.m., Wheatley, 4th floor, student lounge. Event to commemorate the life of Jim “J.P.” Goodwin, an American Studies graduate student, GSA member, writer for the Mass Media, and pillar of the UMB community. J.P. passed away suddenly after a brief illness in August 2002. For more information, call 617-287-6770.
Wednesday, November 20
United Leaders Information Session3:30-4:30pm in Room 618 on the third floor of McCormack Hall. United Leaders is a growing national nonpartisan non-profit created in 1999 to encourage the millennial generation to pursue honorable careers in political service. This past summer students received training necessary to be dynamic and effective servants. To sign up call (617) 287 – 5519.
“Their Golden Years – Or Are They Tarnished? A survey of health services and needs of elderly Asian American women in Boston”2:30p.m. –, Chancellor’s Conference Room (reception to follow) The Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy presents a lecture by the 2001-2002 Polly Logan Scholar, Prof. Connie S. Chan: Panel discussion to follow Prof. Chan’s presentation.Co-sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor; Institute for Asian American Studies; Women’s Studies Program; Gerontology Institute. For more information, contact Carol L. Cardozo, tel. 617-287-5530 or e-mail
Annual Volunteer Fair10 a.m. – 4 p.m., McCormack, 2nd floor, lobby. The purpose of the Volunteer Fair is to interest UMB students, staff and faculty in participating in meaningful community service, by providing them with the opportunity to investigate a diverse group of non-profit agencies. For more information, call 617-287-7955 or email