Dorchester Recycles … Do You?
The City of Boston offers free weekly recycling services to residents in apartment buildings or condos with more than six units. If you do not currently have recycling tell your building manager that you want to recycle. For more information contact Katie Mae at Recycling Action at (617) 747-4372 and the Large Apartment Building Recycling Coordinator at (617) 635-4959.
Keeping the Community Beautiful
The Columbia Savin Hill Civic Association has many subcommittees. One of these is the beautification committee who recently held their first community clean up on Savin Hill Avenue. They picked up trash, weeded, and put mulch into the tree pits on the avenue. One ongoing activity of this committee is graffiti-busting. If you see graffiti in the Columbia/Savin Hill neighborhoods please email them the street address and they will submit a formal removal request to the City of Boston Graffiti Busters on a regular basis. The beautification committee meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 7pm at the Little House on East Cottage Street, their next meeting is on November 20. If you would like more information email