The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake, American remains engaged in the world, by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom.”
There’s no mistaking American’s presence in the world today. It is colossal; rivaling the might of past empires. The Eagle has bared its talons. The world has been promised: “Shock and Awe!” – a heavy but steady barrel of a steely strength – a shotgun bearing down upon all of the world in the name of Freedom.
No, make no mistake about it. The world will be informed of just what shape its balance of power will be, and just what kind of freedom it will be permitted to enjoy.
“We will defend our allies and our interests.”
Who are America’s allies? Well, until just recently among America’s allies were the powers of a united NATO trust. In only a matter of months the tide has turned. A long-standing unity that for generations served as a bulwark for Liberty and Freedom lies torn and tattered. After all, what do the bared talons of The Eagle require of an Old Europe? “Out of our way! Your interests are no longer ours!”
“We will show purpose without arrogance.”
The world can hardly mistake a purpose of some kind behind the promised war of “Shock and Awe.” But just what can this purpose be? “Liberty and Freedom,” we are told. And how can there be any arrogance when Liberty and Freedom are at stake? No! “You are either with us, or you’re against us!”
(Who might soon even dare mention the word “arrogance?”)
“We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength.”
How prescient were the men who crafted these prophetic words!
Who would doubt The Eagle’s strength? Only a madman from Baghdad! We are resolved against his aggression and bad faith! As to any aggression on our part? It is justified for our security! As to bad faith: Everyone knows that this madman from Baghdad has been linked – no – is responsible for the September 11th attacks. The evidence has been laid bare for all the world to see.
(In the days immediately following the September 11th attacks, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell promised the world a “white paper” that would leave no doubt as to who the perpetrators of the attacks were. It is now March 13th, 2003. The world is still waiting for the revealing “white paper.” Should it ever arrive it will certainly be interesting to see how much white remains on the paper after blackouts have been imposed. )
“And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth.”
“The Birth of a Nation.” Perhaps that will be the standing motto that history will attach to this first administration of the 21st century. Can any nation (Dare any nation?) question the speaking voice or the values that are being given birth by America today?
“America, at its best, is compassionate.”
Tell that to a world that once looked to America as a beacon for Freedom and Liberty. Tell that to a world that looks in vain for an American resolve based on diplomacy and respecting international law.
Tell the Iraqi mothers and children who will soon become “collateral damage” to “The Mother of All Bombs” about America at its best – about America’s compassion.
The quotations in this essay are from the Inaugural Address of George Walker Bush, delivered to the American people and the world on Saturday, January 20th, 2001.
By Joel Mroz
Joel Mroz is a student in the graduate non-degree program for Massachusetts Teacher Certification. He submitted this essay as an entry in the University of Massachusetts Human Rights Essay contest. You can find out more about the essay contest by going to, scrolling down to the shortcuts, and clicking on human rights and following the “about us” link or by going directly to