Thursday 17
Spring Blood Drive10am-3pm, Clark Athletic Center. Volunteer to donate blood and give the gift of life. Sponsored by the American Red Cross and the Wellness Center of the University Health Services. For more information, call 617-287-5680 or email [email protected].
Research Symposium: Narratives of Chinese Female Immigrant Professionals: Factors that Affect their Career Development1-2:30pm, Wheatley, 4th floor, Student Lounge. Presented by Yuting Shih, Research Fellow at the Institute for Asian American Studies, and Doctoral Candidate in Education at UMass Amherst. Lunch will be provided if you make a reservation by Tuesday, April 15. For more information, call 617-287-5650 or email [email protected].
A Sculptor at Work: Kitty Wales in Residence1-5pm, McCormack, 1st floor, Harbor Gallery. Sculptor, Kitty Wales will be at work in the Harbor Gallery, constructing a life size Texas long horn steer to complement her menagerie of wild creatures. Come watch her at work Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, April 8, 10, 15, 17, and 19. Sponsored by Arts on the Point. For more information, call 287- 5347 or email [email protected].
Undergraduate Information Session to become a Teacher2-3 p.m., Wheatley, 2nd floor. If you will have completed half of your degree requirements by the end of the Spring Semester, now is the time to apply to the Undergraduate Teacher Certification Program for fall 2003! Come to the Information session. Snacks will be served! For more information, call 617-287-7625 or email [email protected].
Journey to a Hate Free Millennium/A Presentation on Hate Crime2:30-4pm, McCormack, 3rd floor, Ryan Lounge. A screening of the documentary “Journey to a Hate Free Millennium” followed by a presentation and discussion on hate crime. Sponsored by the Queer Student Union, Women’s Center, Black Student Center, Casa Latina, and the Veteran Center. For more information, call 617-287-7983 or email [email protected].
Beacons Athletics Lacrosse vs. Clark University: 3pm, athletic field.
Beacons Athletics Softball vs. Emmanuel College: 4:30pm, softball diamond.
Friday 18
Ecumenical Good Friday Prayer ServiceNoon-12:30pm, McCormack, 3rd floor, Interfaith Chapel. For more information, call 617-287-5839 or email [email protected].
Biology Department Seminar: The evolution of sex-biased gene expression in Drosophila2:30-3:30pm, Science Building, 1st floor, room 006. Featuring Dr. Colin Meiklejohn, Harvard University. For more information, call 617-287-6600.
18th Annual Asian Culture Festival6-9pm, Wheatley, 1st floor, Snowden Auditorium. For more information, call 617-287-7984 or email [email protected].
Saturday 19
Beacons Athletics Baseball vs. Keene State College: Noon, baseball diamond. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Beacons Athletics Lacrosse vs. Plymouth State College: 1 p.m., athletic field. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
UMB Socialist Day-School: “End the Terror, War and Misery: Fight for Socialism in the 21st Century”11am-4pm, Wheatley, Fourth Floor, Lounge, Free Lunch. Sponsored by the UMB Socialist Club: [email protected]
Sunday 20
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal7:30am and 7pm Listen to interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials, examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. For more information, call 617-287-6900.
Tuesday 22
Student Leadership ReceptionTime & location TBA.
Beacons Athletics Baseball vs. Anna Maria College: 3pm, baseball diamond.
Wednesday 23
Early Learning Center Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser9:30am-3:30pm, McCormack, 2nd floor. The Early Learning Center (Child Care) will be selling Scholastic Books for children to raise money for the Center. Additional dates: April 24 – 25. For more information, call 617-287-6195 or email [email protected].
Munch & Mingle Discussion Series: The ADA and Employment11:30am-1:30pm, McCormack, 1st floor, room 415. Come and take a break from your hectic school day! Sponsored by the UMB Center for Students with disABILITIES. There will be two sessions: 11:30-12:30 and 12:30-1:30. Please RSVP. For more information, call 617-287-7965 or email [email protected].
ECOS Seminar: Nitrate’s Role in Iron and Arsenic Cycling in a Eutrophic Urban Lake2:30-3:45pm, Science Building, 1st floor, room 006. Featuring Dr. Dave Senn, Research Associate, Environmental Science & Engineering, Harvard School of Public Health. For more information, call 617-287-7440.
Bernard A. Stotsky Lecture: Echoes and Legacies of the Holocaust: Facing History and Ourselves2:30 – 4:30pm, Administration, 3rd floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. This lecture series was established in memory of George and Bess Stotsky who were instrumental in bringing over 200 people out of Europe before the Holocaust. This year’s lecturer, Margot Stern Strom, Executive Director of Facing History and Ourselves, will present “Echoes and Legacies of the Holocaust: Facing History and Ourselves.” Facing History and Ourselves is a non-profit educational organization that annually reaches more than 1.6 million students from around the world. Its programs bolster teachers’ efforts to help young people make connections between historical events and figures and the moral choices they confront in their own lives. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 617-287-5550 or email [email protected].
“How Can The College of Management use Information Technology to Enhance Existing Programs and Develop New Ones?2:30-4:30pm, McCormack, 5th floor, room 619. Symposium featuring CM Faculty Mary Lou Roberts, Ed Romar and Oscar Gutierrez. Following the symposium there will be a celebration of Mary Lou Roberts’ book Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline Strategies. RSVP to [email protected] or call 617-287-7734.
Queer Student Group Movie Night5-7pm, Wheatley, 4th floor, 125. For more information, call 617-287-7983 or email [email protected].
Biology Department Seminar: Demographic and Behavioral Models and Priorities for the Endangered Primate Genus, Mandrillus2:30-3:30pm, Science Building, 1st floor, room 006. Featuring Kathy Wood, University of Massachusetts Boston Ph.D. Candidate. For more information, call 617-287-6600.
Thursday 24
Take Our Daughters & Sons To Work DayFor more information, please contact Denise McNair at 617-287-5176 or email [email protected].
TIAA-CREFF financial services counseling for faculty and staffAdministration, 3rd floor. To schedule an appointment, call Ms. Sarah Sutherland at 1-800-842-2004 or visit
Beacons Athletics Lacrosse vs. Salve Regina University: 3pm, athletic field. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Graduate Student Assembly Meeting4-5:15pm, Wheatley, 4th floor, Student Lounge. The Graduate Student Assembly, the voice of graduate students at the UMASS Boston campus, is dedicated to enhancing the academic and professional development of graduate students. This includes support for graduate research and skill development. Our intention is to reach the whole of the graduate student body with the various programs we offer. Please see our website for more information or call 617-287-7975.
Saturday 26
Annual UMass Boston Welcome Day9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Students who have received an offer of undergraduate admission for Fall 2003 are invited to visit the campus. For more information, call 617-287-6000.
CD and Record Sale9 a.m. – 3 p.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Cafeteria. Donate your unwanted CDs and DVDs to the sale. Bring to the WUMB Radio station before the sale or drop off at the sale itself. Used CDs, DVD,s LPs, collectibles, and videos of all musical genres will be sold during the sale. For more information, call 617-287-6911 or email [email protected]. Additional dates: Sunday April 27, Monday April 28.
Beacons Athletics Baseball vs. Western Connecticut State UniversityNoon., baseball diamond. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Beacons Athletics Lacrosse vs. Keene State College1 p.m., athletic field. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Beacons Athletics Softball vs. Plymouth State College4:30 p.m., softball diamond. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Sunday 27
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal7:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Listen to interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials, examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. For more information, call 617-287-6900.
Monday 28
Beacon’s Breast Cancer Awareness CampaignNoon – 7 p.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Ryan Lounge. We will have information and entertertainment at the Plaza from 12:30 -3:30 p.m., and panel discussion will be held at the Ryan Lounge from 5 – 7 p.m. For more information, call 617-308-9560 or email [email protected].
Beacons Athletics Softball vs. Johnson & Wales University4:30 p.m., softball diamond. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Tuesday 29
Palestinian Refugees: The Right of Return, a lecture with Dr. Naseer Aruri1-3 p.m., Administration, 3rd floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. Dr. Naseer Aruri is a Retired Chancellor Professor Emeritus of Political Science from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Born in Jerusalem, he has written extensively on the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict including the award winning Occupation: Israel Over Palestine (1983), The Obstruction of Peace: The U.S., Israel and the Palestinians (1995), and edited Palestinian Refugees: The Right of Return, published in 2001. Dr. Aruri formerly served as a member of the Palestinian National Council and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Committee as well as serving several terms as a board member of Amnesty International. For more information, email [email protected].
Gastón Institute Speakers Series: Workforce Development in Boston: Recent Transitions1 – 2:30 p.m., Healey Library, 11th floor, Library Staff Lounge. Featuring Edwin Meléndez. For more information, call 617-287-5791 or email [email protected].
Beacons Athletics Men’s Tennis vs. Newbury College3 p.m., tennis courts. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Wednesday 30
Professional Development for Employment Specialists9 a.m. – 4 p.m., UMB’s Institute for Community Inclusion, 20 Park Plaza, Boston, April 2, 3, 30, May 1. This four-day workshop is designed for direct service staff who want hands-on skill development in enabling people with significant disabilities to succeed in community employment. Topics include the values behind community employment, person-centered planning, job development, support strategies, fading support out, problem-solving, and working with all involved parties. Registration is required three weeks in advance ($150). ICI provides letters of attendance for CEU or CRC credit. For more information or questions about accommodations, call 617-287-4337 or email [email protected].
College of Nursing and Health Sciences Career Fair11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Clark Athletic Center Hockey Rink. We invite you to participate in our Career Fair to meet representatives from area hospitals, agencies, and UMass Boston programs. Employers will be here to recruit qualified candidates from our nursing, exercise science and physical education programs. Check our website at for an updated listing of participants or for more information, call 617-287-7546.
ECOS Seminar: Operational Oceanography: What Is It and Why Do We Do It?2:30 – 3:45, Science Building, 1st floor, room 006. Featuring Dr. Thomas C. Malone, Professor, Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland. For more information, call 617-287-7440.
Critical and Creative Thinking Graduate Program Open House4.30 – 8 p.m., Science Building, 4th floor, room 64. View student presentations of final synthesis projects at For more information, call 617-287-6520 or email [email protected].