LOWELL, MA – The Student Government Association at the University of Massachusetts Lowell passed a resolution 17-0-0 against Governor Mitt Romney?s public higher education reorganization plan.
The resolution, passed on April 23, 2003, said that the undergraduate student representatives strongly disagree with any initiative that would effectively terminate the five-campus system. In its current set-up, the University of Massachusetts has five distinct campuses in Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell, and Worcester. Romney’s reorganization plan will break apart the system.
Additionally, the student representatives requested better communication between state leaders, including Romney himself, and both the UMass Lowell administration and student body. In its final line, the resolution encourages the governor and UMass President William Bulger’s office to work together to develop a more comprehensive plan to improve University system.
The resolution also chided the lack of detail in Romney’s reorganization plan and what specific changes would occur on each campus.
“We think it’s important for this body to take a stand,” said Rob Velella, senior class president and co-author of the resolution.
“State officials and legislators need to understand that students here do not support Romney’s plan in its current form.”
The idea of taking a stand on the issue came up over a month ago, though student representatives agreed there was not enough information at the time to make an informed decision. However, members of the Student Government Association believed the issue was too important to wait for too long.
“It was vital for us to let our voice be heard on this issue,” said John Harrison, executive president of the SGA. “We still want more information on this plan, which is reflected in the resolution.”
Both Harrison and Velella also hope to see other public institutions in Massachusetts voicing their stances on this plan as well.
“This is a time to stand together,” Harrison added. “We need to let the Governor and state legislators know how the students feel about this.”
Further Information Contact:John HarrisonSGA President978-934-5036