This is what our children will be saying. This is what the grandchildren or great grandchildren of our leaders will be saying. Unfortunately this might be too far ahead for most to worry about or be concerned with. The disconnection from the effect of our current actions enables the downward spiral into an unsustainable environment.
Our laziness fueled by our dependence on excessive amounts of materialistic objects is pissing off the world. In fact, it has irritated some people to the point that they planned an event that would cause harm to our people. If we could spend nearly as much thought planning for the future of our homeland, think of all the pretty flowers that would be everywhere.
The irony in all of this is that our inability to think of our environment will probably end up killing far more people in the long run than those lost in the World Trade Center. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced from consumer based oil consumption ARE TOXIC. This is intuitive. If you fill your lungs with exhaust fumes, after the delirium wears off, you know that was not good. When you see the huge black clouds coming from buildings, this does not look normal.
Scientists seem to like to spend a lot of time proving the obvious. Every few months a news reporter announces: “Scientists have now shown that men and women’s brains are different.” No shit. They spent 5 years studying something that would have taken them 5 minutes to figure out in a bar. Again, imagine the useful things they could have accomplished.
Another demonstration of the lack of basic knowledge held by our people is the advice given for threats of biological or chemical warfare. This train of thought actually has some logic to it. We pissed people off. They are going to piss us off back. Biological warfare is the current trend. These things float around in the air. Our houses are our safety places. We don’t want them in our house. By blocking the airflow into our house, the biological or chemical warfare won’t get into our house. So everyone, seal your houses tight! Get every nook and cranny so those buggers don’t get in here!
Surprisingly, there is a flaw to this plan, aside from all the other obvious lunacies to it. In basic chemistry we learn that when you heat a gas, it expands. Now, we don’t usually think of this, but the air that we breathe is a gas. So the next few steps to our train of thought above: Spring is on its way. It will get warmer. Suddenly lots of houses will explode simultaneously and we will THINK we were attacked. Yet Home Depot was packed on Friday with people purchasing house sealing type equipment.