Dear Editor,
This is to the stocky male student wearing grey shorts and a blue North Face parka on the 8:25am shuttle bus on Thursday 12/12/02.
Dear Insolent Student,
Your rude behavior on the bus this morning (heckling the bus driver) was not appreciated by your fellow commuters. Your insolent remarks about being late for class and bully attitude were not applauded. In case you didn’t notice – people weren’t staring at you out of admiration, but out of disgust.
* First of all, everyone on that bus had a class or job to go to. What makes your schedule so special? If you want to get to class on time, leave home earlier.
* Secondly, your outburst of “Bull!!” when the driver opened the doors to let 2 more students on was just rude. I am sure there has been a time or two when you have straggled to the bus and were grateful the doors opened for you. Maybe you thought you were at a ballgame where it is cool to call out “Bull!” to a ref who has made a bad call. But on the bus, to a person who is providing you with transportation service, you really ought to learn tact and respect.
* Third, the use of the shuttle bus is a privilege, one that you seem to take for granted. Next time you find yourself frustrated that the driver is not doing exactly what you want and as fast as you want–get off your duff, get off the bus and walk to school. I’d rather not sit beside you or near you if you can’t behave in a more considerate manner.
It wouldn’t hurt you or anybody to stop and say thanks to the shuttle bus driver every now and then.
B. FolsomClassmate/UMass Staff