I hope Rene gets to see this although I am sure I am not the only one to write…
Here is an editorial I would write for Gonzalez.
There is nothing more irritating than weak editorial writers who sit back and judge others. Another irritation, is those who try to act really smart and look into the minds of people they don’t know and humiliate them after they die. When I think of people like this I think of Rene Gonzalez, the wanna-be “opinionated” idiot who publically criticizes the people who protect him. He calls soldiers Rambo’s…I call him the ideal thought for what is wrong with America. If we could all be like Gonzalez and sit at our computer and write papers and let this country go to waste that would be good, right? Wouldn’t it be good to sit back and watch Osama attack our country? Apparently, so because you wouldn’t want “heroes” protecting our lives, right? Well, I guess it all makes sense. Hooray for Rene Gonzalez, the jealous, worthless, Monday military QB who criticizes the protectors of the world. Just couldn’t handle Pat Tillman soaking the media glory, huh? Too bad you had to make yourself look like a public idiot to steal some of it. I hope Rene feels like a BIG MACHO MAN for doing absolutely nothing.