This evening I attempted to meet a fellow student at the new Campus Center at 5 p.m. but was turned away by a uniformed gentleman who told me and another student that the building was closed due to the “gala”. I waited in the catwalk, hoping to catch my friend. While waiting, I saw many students get turned away from the Campus Center. Then a smartly dressed woman, talking into a headset, announced to whomever she was speaking with that “I’m NOT happy. They’re letting PEOPLE in!” and she started to gesture wildly at the security guard. I found my friend and after a long wait at the Wits’ End cafe we finally had our meeting. We were joined by another student who was distressed and hungry because she planned to get some dinner before class, but she had to settle for a bagel at the Wits End after being turned away from the Campus Center. Wasn’t the Campus Center supposed to be built for the students? Why have an event where students will be turned away? Where we adequately notified that the center would be closed? Were alternatives put in place so that students could take care of business? I don’t think so. And heaven forbid that PEOPLE should try to enter “their” building!